Friday, December 27, 2019
An Annotated Bibliography Of Writing - 881 Words
This semester in English 102, I can definitely say my time was well spent. Each assignment that I completed benefited me as a student so that I could become a better reader and writer. With the skills I learned in this class, I will use them to my advantage in future English courses and other educational endeavors. Being able to read, write, research, and think are important skills to have in order to be successful in any area of study. Nevertheless, I believe that by taking this class I was able to reinforce and expand on my skills I took away from English 101. When I first entered this class, I felt like I had a strong grasp on the concepts I was taught it English 101 to be successful. I was already familiar with MLA quoting and works cited because my previous instructor was very stringent when it came to citing and formatting things correctly. I also had a pretty good understanding of an annotated bibliography and how to write one since I did it in English 101 and in high school. Researching was another area I felt confident in because I spent a great deal of time in previous English classes and other courses evaluating and critiquing different sources. For example, coming into this class I knew about the Academic Search Premier and LexisNexis databases being good starting places to find credible sources. As far as terminology goes, I had common knowledge on the elements of literature and drama terminology such as conflict, plot, character, setting, imagery, and irony.Show MoreRelatedAnnotated Bibliography On Writing Across The Curriculum1558 Words  | 7 Pages Annotated Bibliography Writing Across the Curriculum EDU 630 Fall 2014 Karen Tootle William Carey University The concept of writing across the curriculum (WAC) is a contemporary movement founded on the belief that writing in all content areas improves not only writing skills, but also increases content knowledge. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Schizophrenia Vs. Bipolar Disorder - 972 Words
Schizophrenia vs. Bipolar Disorder By Jenita Johnson October 29, 2015 Schizophrenia vs. Bipolar Disorder There are many mental illnesses that are diagnosed and common amongst adults and children today. The two most common mental illnesses are schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. These illnesses are considered the two most functional psychotic disorders. Schizophrenia is a chronic condition with an increase in severity of its symptoms but always has some background to its symptoms. Bipolar disorder is generally a condition with expectation of a full recovery between episodes. Even though both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder have somewhat the same symptoms I believe they are different and schizophrenia is more severe in treatment†¦show more content†¦The positive symptoms that these disorders have in common are hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech, paranoia, etc. The negative symptoms of schizophrenia can also resemble that of bipolar disorder these are apathy, extreme emotional withdrawal, low energy, social isolation, lack of affect, etc. These positive and negative symptoms are similar to both schizophrenia and a manic episode. With these similarities there is chance that many patients have been misdiagnosed especially in children they cause years of improper treatment with destructive results. For example the child can be given the wrong medication for a disorder that is not associated with what is really going on with the child. In the article by Stanford University they give an example that â€Å"treating a child who actually has pediatric bipolar disorder with Ritalin for a supposed case of ADHD. Giving such a child a stimulant can lead to mood destabilization.†(Day, 2005). These are the symptoms of bipolar disorder it was formerly known as manic-depression but is a biological disorder of the brain that are characterized by debilitating mood swings. Symptoms fall into two categories mania and depression. The symptoms of mania as explained in the fact sheet by the World Federation of Mental Health are â€Å"Euphoric or extremely irritable mood, distractibility, accelerated and/or delusional thinking, decreased inhibitions, and increased physical activity and
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Access Extra Support or Services to Enable Individuals to Communicate Effectively Essay Sample free essay sample
There will be times when excess support is needed to hold meaningful communicating with a kid or and grownup to run into their demands of affectional communicating. In Hounslow we have great support services to back up kids and grownups with communicating jobs. Children centres in Hounslow support households and can direct households to other agency’s In my country of Feltham we have Alf Kings which parents can go to bead Immigration and Naturalization Services. staff at children’s Centres can convey support into the Centre to back up households. Translation and interpretation services can be brought into the Centre. many paperss in Hounslow are printed in a figure of different linguistic communications to besides assist households. Contemplations have bead Immigration and Naturalization Services on a Thursday afternoon for hearing and ocular impaired kids. Friday Group at Belvadere House is unfastened to childminders and we can hold support from the early old ages squad at that place. Support ServicessHounslow has a broad scope of Central Support Services that form an built-in portion of the instruction proviso in the Borough. As a diverse borough with kids and parents with many different educational demands Hounslow’s instruction Services purpose to provide for pupil’s single and specialist development in their learning attainment. every bit good as supplying support and advice for learning staff in schools. These services consist of specializer experienced teaching staff and LA officers who work collaboratively in a scope of ways. both in-school and on an single degree. For more information on each service please chink on the links below: Teacher’s Support Services ( TSS )Drawn-out SchoolsEducational Psychology ServiceHounslow Traveller Education ServiceHounslow Music Service The Teacher’s Support Services ( TSS )The TSS purposes to back up the inclusion of students with particular educational demands and enable entree to larning chances. The service consists of six specialist squads offering a broad scope of expertness. support and advice to early old ages scenes. schools. parents. governors and the LEA on all facets of inclusion and particular educational demands. The Behaviour Support Team ( BST ) The BST works collaboratively with schools to develop an inclusive attack for the direction of students sing emotional and behavioral troubles. They work closely with schools and other bureaus to better whole-school behaviour direction systems and to supply single and group support for students and parents. Early Old ages Team ( EYT )The Early Years Team supports staff and SEN kids in Early Old ages scenes. The squad consists of Specialist Nursery Teachers. Area Special Educational Needs Co-Coordinators ( SENCOs ) and an Early Old ages Adviser for Social. Communication and Behavioural Difficulties. These members of staff work together and with schools and parents utilizing resources and individualized programmes to back up kids and assist them accomplish successful larning results. Hearing Impairment Team ( HIT )HIT advise on all degrees and types of hearing loss and on kids who may hold a hearing trouble. The Team works with schools staff. parents and kids every bit good as professionals from other Education and Health bureaus. Learning Support Team ( LST )The LST works with schools to advance the successful inclusion of all students sing troubles with acquisition. The squad offers support. advice and INSET on appraisal. the planning of effectual programmes. course of study distinction and the usage of appropriate resources. Physical Disability Team ( PDT )The PDT offers a back uping function to schools in the inclusion of students with a physical disablement and/or medical status and those students with all right or gross motor accomplishments troubles. The squad can supply information on diagnosing. educational deductions and schoolroom direction. Ocular Impairment Team ( VIT )The Visual Impairment Team consists of instructors specially qualified to work with kids who have a ocular damage For more information about any of the squads within the Teacher’s Support Service delight visit World Wide Web. hvec. org. uk or contact Hounslow Education Centre on 020 8583 4189. Drawn-out SchoolsAn Drawn-out School is one that provides a scope of services and activities during and beyond the school twenty-four hours to assist run into the demands and wants of its students. households and the local community. Children’s Centres are portion of the wider Extended Schools Vision. They aim to supply high quality instruction and child care in the Early Old ages and excessively support households with really immature kids. Family and Community TeamThe Family and Community Team offers a scope of support to schools to heighten acquisition and the elevation of attainment by working in effectual partnership with parents and the community. The squad consists of dedicated instructors and officers and works with cardinal sites in order to develop a community Centre attack to larning. To happen our more about Extended Schools or the Family and Community Team delight visit World Wide Web. hvec. org. uk or reach the Hounslow Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership at World Wide Web. heydcp. org. United Kingdom Educational Psychology Service ( EPS )Hounslow’s Educational Psychology Service works with schools to supply psychological audiences and advice on both an person and organizational degree. The service consists of qualified experient instructors with recognized preparation in Educational Psychology. The EPS is able to develop Individual Education Plans and put realistic marks for students whilst assisting to be after and implement school undertakings and policies. The Service can assist with concerns about a child’s development and acquisition that may affect behavior. literacy. numeracy. sensory or other troubles. The EPS works with the school’s Special Educational Needs Coordinators ( SENCOs ) where appropriate and besides with parents and learning staff to help the kid in their acquisition attainment and development. For more information about The Educational Psychology Service delight name 020 8583 2800. Hounslow Traveller Education ServiceThe Hounslow Traveller Education Service exists to function the educational demands of all Traveller students who live in or come into Hounslow. Traveller households from many different cultural backgrounds have been present and frequent in the borough for several coevalss. The DfES have defined those included in this group and the service is jointly funded under the Traveller Achievement Grant from the Standards Fund and the London Borough of Hounslow. The Team consists of learning staff who carry out in-service work in schools. appraisal and proviso for the demands of Traveller students. supported distance-learning work programmes and affair with schools refering absence and support. Hounslow’s policy on Traveller Education is an built-in portion of the borough’s policy on Race Equality and Cultural Diversity. It is informed by national statute law and guidelines published by the DfES and school policy and pattern should reflect the demands of Traveller students. Schools may empower Traveller pupil’s absence when they are satisfied that the household migrates with every purpose of returning. Where Traveller students are registered at a school and known to be present but non attending school. absences should be investigated in the same manner as any other student. Students who do migrate to other countries can go involved in distance acquisition programmes through the Service to guarantee their learning attainment and instruction continues in line with the course of study. For more information about Hounslow Traveller Service delight visit World Wide Web. hvec. org. uk or name 020 8583 4185/6. Hounslow Music ServiceHounslow Music Service is committed to run intoing the musical demands of the immature people of the Borough. It provides instrumental and vocal lessons to over 2500 students hebdomadally in single and little group lessons. For the developing kid. music has a broad scope of benefits. Learning an instrument has been shown to better concentration. co-ordination. assurance and communicating accomplishments. Research suggests that is stimulates the whole acquisition procedure ensuing in the kid achieving higher Markss in a scope of other topics. The Music Service offer tuition at all degrees of vocal. orchestral. set and a wider scope of other instruments. Lessons are taught at primary or secondary schools and besides at The Specialist Music School located at The Green School. Isleworth. For more information about Hounslow Music Service delight visit hypertext transfer protocol: //www. hvec. org. uk/HMS/ call 020 8583 2970 or e-mail [ electronic mail protected ]/*
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Marketing Plan of Julies Bakeshop Essay Essay Example
Marketing Plan of Julies Bakeshop Essay Essay Introduction:It’s been old ages since the Betterhalf Restaurant was giving birth of their nutrient concern. Betterhalf is a resto- saloon nutrient service industry located at the centre of Veterans Medical Hospital that caters good delightful and pleasurably gustatory sensation nutrients to their mark clients the Intern Students. Doctors. Nurses. Medical Representatives and particularly Walk-ins. This eating house ensures that each client receives prompt. professional. friendly and gracious services and maintains the cleanliness of nutrients and well-comfortable atmosphere to their valued clients and employees. The eating house besides provides an low-cost monetary value to each of their repasts and one of their best marketer bill of fare repasts that their clients loved to eat at Betterhalf Restaurant are the Garlic Chicken with brown Sauce and a Buttered Chicken. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Plan of Julies Bakeshop Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Plan of Julies Bakeshop Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Plan of Julies Bakeshop Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer For many old ages they served to their valued clients the chance they got from them was that each clients has a growing section like for illustration the Medical Representatives wants a comfy topographic point for their meetings on their opposite number. the best topographic point to be chosen was the Restaurant of Betterhalf because of the peaceable environment there that they can concentrate on. The clients can easy near to the Chief Executive Officer or CEO of the Betterhalf Restaurant because one of the promotional scheme of the eating house is through reserve because of they had a 3 functional room to used for keeping any of activities of a clients. As of their fiscal facets. Betterhalf Restaurant estimated net hard currency for each hebdomad is ?20. 000. 00 and for the whole month is ? 80. 000. 00. The net income of Betterhalf Restaurant is merely plenty to gave the compensations of its employees and the lone ground why the Chief executive officer is still keeping the concern i s because he is sing his societal duty to his subsidiaries. It‘s now seems that Betterhalf Restaurant may hold been excessively optimistic but it failed to expect several events in its selling planning. First. when it rainy seasons their net income were diminishing 30 % of its cyberspace gross revenues that truly affect to the expected income. Second. the location was the Betterhalf Restaurant built off seems that it is non convenient at all but it is â€Å"sadyain†by the clients and besides the atmosphere was hapless on goodlooking eating house unlike others. Last. they had hapless quality of promotional activities that can non capture the attending of a client. And to decide their quandary or their lacking off on their concern and to acquire a better roadmap to their success. We suggests that the company might hold done a better occupation is a cardinal facet of doing a better selling program to accomplish their aims including gauging the market chance. calculating gross revenues. finding the selling plans or an promotional ac tivities. developing and retent the clients good relationship towards the eating house and guaranting the company’s merchandise high quality to their valued clients.
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