Sunday, September 15, 2019
Program Summary Essay
The process of a program’s development is to acknowledge what exactly the program is, and what mission they set forth to achieve. Regarding the Far West Elementary School’s organization mission where they work as a team filled with parents, and staff who are dedicated to creating a caring, exciting environment that promotes responsibility, self esteem, and academic achievement where differences are valued and learning is a lifelong goal. Although the mission promotes responsibility the school lacks in English proficiency. This program curriculum is undeveloped because the staff is lacking the qualifications; they are teaching the children using non certified or non licensed skills. The material needs to be upgraded via the English curricula. In order for the limited English proficiency (LEP) skills to grow the qualifications of the staff must be qualified. Within this program it will provide thoroughness, communication, and financial management. These elements are needed because it will build the morale of the program, the current staff and students skills, and the community of the low cost area of Far West Elementary School. Assessments: Assessments will be to analyze the programs purpose and its empowerment. According to, Gutierrez (1994) defines empowerment as the â€Å"process of increasing personal, interpersonal, or political power so that individuals, families, and communities can take action to improve their situations†. I chose this quote because I felt it works well with the school and how one can increase their skills when it comes to defining the process and determining the goal. The assessments determine if the faculty member is qualified to teach in a professional manner? The assessments will be constructed by licensed bilingual counselors who document the knowledge, skills, and beliefs of the staff; it will focus on the case studies, the learning styles, and experimental work (Wikipedia, 2009) of students as well. Once the staff members are increasing their English proficiency skills the students will then become more advanced. This will serve as the process used for the staff being a positive outcome. The process will prove that the development of the plan was evaluated; it will identify the measure used to develop the plan, which were the workshop sessions. The data collected will be the presented through the students and their English skills increasing. The reporting and results will follow by the many programs that will be offered, by the families of the students skills improving, and the preparation of enrolling new students and staff within the school. The thoroughness the program will reflect will show how eager it is increasing the English skill in the community. It will drain all energy taken with the counselors using with their senior skills, in making sure all aspects of the program’s session are passed. This will include the performance of the community, the faculty, and the productiveness of the students. The measures the program assessments will take will be resourceful in present and future lives of the students. They will be constructed to abide by the mission of the school. Needs and Problem Statement: The programs needs and problem assessments would be to evaluate the staff and improve their proficiently in teaching the English language. Specific needs of the program to be focused on are alternative certification program, special support for teachers, and improving the skills for higher education. The influences and expectations play in a role in administrator’s role of the agency because the significance of it is to connect with their staff and oversea that duties of the agency are being done. According, to Far West Elementary School administrators their needs are to make sure that the (LEP) skills are increased by making sure the staff are taking advantage of all the training programs offered by the counselors and funders. Administrators are to make sure the pressure is on in understanding the fact that achieving the (LEP) skill betters the elementary school, the staff guiding and forcing the direction. The problem occurs when there aren’t any funds being allocated for the program. Program Planning: Grant funding will be set through the proposal planning for the program. The program will propose the government with its attribute and prove the program should is qualified enough for their funds. By, introducing yourself and introducing the program that you want funded, it will benefit the people of the community. The function of the grant proposal is to allow you to communicate and present your proposal of the plan or program is looking for funding. The purpose of the proposal is to gain funds for a program that will better someone or families. The purpose is to present your program before it is even considered a program. Grant proposals relates to a program plan by proposing ideas, suggesting programs or simply bringing new ideas to the table that need to be approved and funded. They both take in considerations to help others and address problems within a community. Communication is the element the program will be best at and portray. The relevance of communication in the program is top high because it’s used to connect the staff, students and their families and show what’s most important each other. Talking and expressing their needs of why increasing the limited English proficiency skill is the number one key within this program. Alternate funding: Alternate funding will be the bonding aspect within the program. It will include Ideas of nontraditional funding which includes activities that involve the community more than the government. The program is locating funding through fundraising like raffling off tickets for prizes; therefore more people will participate knowing they can win a prize. Another alternate funding strategy would be selling dinners in the community for reasonable prices; the program staff will present talent shows for the community which they will participate in as well. Activities will be listed as, special events like face painting and relay racing would bring more funds to the program. Another idea would be client donations where the staff will donate to the program, whether it’s volunteering or giving a money donation. A funding institution that works with human service organizations is Administration for Children & Families (AFC). Its mission along with Health and Human Services (HHS) is responsible for federal programs that promote the economic and social well being of families, children, individuals, and communities, (AFC, 2011). The expectations for evaluating this funding institution are campaigning to rescue and restore families, family and youth services, administration development, child care bureau and many other programs they set to fulfill through their expectations of the ommunity. These expectations influence the evaluation plan and programs by staying true to their mission and achieving their goals. Implementation: The implementation of the program will be tedious, long and drawn out however it’s all for a good cause. During the process and outcomes stage, the process will evaluate the documented and monitored interventions taken for the staff and describe the importance of the program. The data will acknowledge and understand why the skills need to be improved. It will prove why it acceptable in the targeted community. The implementation that will be put forth and fulfilled will show through the structure of the program. Also the stakeholders are the people who invest in the program to develop the skills therefore they are implementing the program as well. Once the proposal was presented to them their share and interest in the program wasn’t just want they invested in the agency but an actual investment. With having a better understanding of the mission of the agency and what the team, parents and staff are dedicated in achieving the stakeholders know for a fact that the group they are investing in has significant obligations they wish to fulfill. Evaluation: The evaluation of the program will be based on the community of Far West, a suburb of New Hampshire Far West community that holds a population of 30,000 where the elementary school holds 700 with 30% of the students who have relocated from a foreign country. Being that the students are from an Asian decent background they have limited experience in English writing, reading and speaking skills. The evaluation of the program opportunity is to improve the limited English proficiency (LEP) skills for teachers, students, and their families. It will evaluate what it negative in the program that needs fixing, it will allow the individual to see the reality of how building a program can really determine whether the program is qualified or not. Conducting assessments will provide the program with information of services at that are needed or services that are not, therefore funds will be saved in the program. Judging whether or not the staff is qualified will also demonstrate evaluations for further training. The evaluation of the program will cover needs being addresses, staff nderstanding and building a rapport with the students and staff and always and follow the mission and value statements of the agency. The evaluation will make sure projects being funded properly, all and outcomes of the programs strengthens the organization. During the empowerment evaluation process it will acknowledge who exactly needs their skills to be improved. Counselors will overlook classroom settings and become involved with the students, and allow them to give me their reasons on why wanting to improve their LEP skills. Staff and students participate with each other in improving the (LEP) skill. It will offer workshops with professional leaders who will oversee activities in upgrading certificates to licenses; therefore the teachers are developing the programs for the students and promoting a professional outlook of the programs. The importance of this program is to improve the skills of limited English proficiency, in the Far West Elementary School located in a low income housing community. This program was chosen for this location because of the presence of families with foreign backgrounds. The program focuses on improving the skill for parents as well, being they involved in the community as well. Overall the importance of the program summary is to provide thoroughness, communication and build the morale of the program; the current staff, students and parents to work together and achieve its mission to better the skills within the school, and the community of the low cost area of Far West Elementary.
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