Friday, May 31, 2019
tempmagic Magic in Shakespeares The Tempest :: Tempest essays
Magic in Shakespeares Tempest The Tempest, written in 1611, was one of William Shakespeares last functions. It has a combination of brilliant characters, interesting settings, and a right(a) plot lineall held together by the running theme of fantasy, and its ever-present importance. A approximate examination of the prank in The Tempest, and thepublics view of magic at the time, will give insight as to Shakespeares choiceof magic as a theme, and why it has made the correspond so successful and timeless. Magic presented itself to Shakespeare as a controversial topic, as ithad been the persecution of those believed to perform black magic, (witches)that had been at the forefront of societal concerns since 1050. However, after(prenominal)500 age of witch-hunts, a turning point occurred in 1584, at the publicationof Reginald Scots The Discouerie of Witchcrafte (The Discovery of Witchcraft).This contain was the first major book to denounce witch-hunts and their ringleaders,and bona fide the first book in English to actually hypothesize well-nigh themethods of these so-called witches. It contained one chapter of approximatelytwenty pages describing what we might view as unsophisticated, olde worlde magictricks. virtuoso would assume that it was this text, and texts succeeding this (TheArt of Juggling, written by Samuel Ridd in 1610 also presented a few how-tos ofmagic) were probably not only what suggested the paper of using magic as a themto Shakespeare, but in addition, provided methods as to how the magic in theplay might be accomplished. Despite the fact that in retrospective psychoanalysis it is fairly clear thatwitches were nothing more that magicians with a slightly different presentation,audiences were not always aware of and those that were, were rarely convincedbythe two said(prenominal) t exts. Witches were still persecuted and witch-huntsdid not actually stop until the end of the seventeenth century. Therefore,Shakespeares use of magic was controversial, compounded by the fact thatProspero was presented in a largely good lighta move probably made as apolitical statement, as it is known that Shakespeares plays were sometimeswritten to embarrass political suggestions to ability James. However, when Prosperorelinquished his powers at the end of the play, those that did believe in thewitch-hunts were satisfied. Everyone was happy. After considering the contention that the masque scene was added for thepurposes of compliment to Elizabeth and Fredericks marriage, one could concludethat Shakespeare knowledgeable more about magic after he wrote The Tempest. Thereasoning follows. One could only assume that Shakespeare would have tried tomake the magic in the play as nonchalant and magical as possible.tempmagic Magic in Shakespeare s The Tempest Tempest essays Magic in Shakespeares Tempest The Tempest, written in 1611, was one of William Shakespeares lastplays. It has a combination of superb characters, interesting settings, and agood plot lineall held together by the running theme of magic, and its ever-present importance. A closer examination of the magic in The Tempest, and thepublics view of magic at the time, will give insight as to Shakespeares choiceof magic as a theme, and why it has made the play so successful and timeless. Magic presented itself to Shakespeare as a controversial topic, as ithad been the persecution of those believed to perform black magic, (witches)that had been at the forefront of societal concerns since 1050. However, after500 years of witch-hunts, a turning point occurred in 1584, at the publicationof Reginald Scots The Discouerie of Witchcrafte (The Discovery of Witchcraft).This book was the first major book to denounce witch-hunts and their ringleaders,and unquestionable the first book in English to actually hypothesize about themethods of these so-called witches. It contained one chapter of approximatelytwenty pages describing what we might view as unsophisticated, old-time magictricks. One would assume that it was this text, and texts succeeding this (TheArt of Juggling, written by Samuel Ridd in 1610 also presented a few how-tos ofmagic) were probably not only what suggested the idea of using magic as a themto Shakespeare, but in addition, provided methods as to how the magic in theplay might be accomplished. Despite the fact that in retrospective analysis it is fairly clear thatwitches were nothing more that magicians with a slightly different presentation,audiences were not always aware of and those that were, were rarely convincedbythe two aforementioned texts. Witches were still persecuted and witch-huntsdid not actually stop until the end of the seventeenth century. Therefore,Shakespeares use of magic was controversial, compounded by the fact thatProspero was presented in a largely good lighta move probably made as apolitical statement, as it is known that Shakespeares plays were sometimeswritten to include political suggestions to King James. However, when Prosperorelinquished his powers at the end of the play, those that did believe in thewitch-hunts were satisfied. Everyone was happy. After considering the contention that the masque scene was added for thepurposes of compliment to Elizabeth and Fredericks marriage, one could concludethat Shakespeare learned more about magic after he wrote The Tempest. Thereasoning follows. One could only assume that Shakespeare would have tried tomake the magic in the play as fooling and magical as possible.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Humorous Best Man Speech - The Groom’s Life Story :: Wedding Toasts Roasts Speeches
Humorous Best Man Speech - The Grooms Life StoryGood afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Its affect just how far some people are prepared to travel for a free lunch. Its a good job the rail didnt select the menu, otherwise we would have had penut-butter sandwiches washed down with beer.Firstly, I have a feet messages to read out.(read telegrams etc.) As Bill Clinton said to each of his girlfriends, I wont carry on you long.Id like to begin by thanking the groom for asking me to be outstrip man. I would also like to thank the bride for everyowing him to ask me. The groom has a splendid set of friends, and to be nominated from such esteemed company is without doubt a great honor. Thanks also to the ushers, friends, and family who have all helped to make this day so special.(To the bride) You make a fine bride and look beautiful and radiant. I couldnt help but notice the groom swell with haughtiness when he saw you walking clown the aisle in that dress. (To the groom) You are indeed a lucky man, you have married someone who is attractive, warm, loving and caring. A wife who will be all you could ever wish for and more. (To the bride) You have married someone who is handsome, witty, intelligent, charming, good looking... (To the groom) Sorry, Im having trouble reading your writing.When the groom asked me to be his best man, I consulted the Internet for help. I discovered that the job is essentially comprised of four main tasks1. Organize the stag party (bachelor party) - perhaps you could tell us once more how you burst the inflatable sheep.2. Help the groom dress (at last I found out where the G-string from Dublin went.)3. See that all ex-girlfriends are unplowed at bay (quite a task as most of them have been released under care in the community.)4. Make a speech. I thought it was freeing to be tough following a speech by the groom and I was right, I couldnt understand a single word he said.I did find a lot of other interesting things on the Internet bu t I wont go into that now.I met the groom over go years ago, and I often wonder what it would be like if I didnt have him as a friend. Sometimes the smile lasts for days.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The notebook Essay -- essays research papers fc
OutlineI.Ab come forth the authorA.The author of The Notebook is Nicholas SparksB.Sparks was born in Omaha, Nebraska, on New Years Eve.C.He has been on the New York best sellers list.II.CharactersA.Noah Calhoun1.He is not a very wealthy person.2.He loves to read poetry because of his shudder problem when he was smaller.B.Allie Nelson1.She is very wealthy.2.She loves to paint pictures.III.Plot SummaryA.In North Carolina, Noah is haunted by images of the girl he loved and lost along time ago.B.Allie is about to marry a wealthy lawyer, but she cannot stop thinking about the boy who long ago stole her heart.The NotebookJust after Graduation 1932, the opening night of the Neuse River Festival, Noah met his friends Fin and Sarah there. Fin and Sarah were talking to a girl that Noah thought was beautiful, her name was Allie. They hung out at the festival and drank some cherry Cokes until it closed. After that Noah and Allie could not be kept apart. They spent the summer days falling in lo ve and h...
Winter Moon :: essays research papers
Critique of Winter MoonIn Winter Moon by doyen Koontz a cloudy Los Angeles, California day is shattered when a hot Hollywood director turns a city street into a fiery abyss. A heroic police officer, Jack McGarvey, is badly wounded in the inferno and will not be able to walk for months. Little does Jack love that a series of events will lead him and his family to a ranch in Montana. On that isolated ranch they discover their destiny in a extortionate encounter with a ruthless and puzzling enemy from which neither the living nor dead are safe.&9Koontzs novels seem to have one intimacy in common. Their themes are about how the human mind and spirit relate to things in life. He doesnt stray from that commonality in Winter Moon. Koontzs purpose in writing the book was to show that the power of the mind is yet an unmatched force. Both my mother and I agree that he complete(a) this very well. &9His use of characters also fits a pattern that has developed in his writing. Koontz uses the same two characters in many of his novels the heroic, faithful male and the slopped female. Koontzs employment of indirect characterization is impeccable, and makes the reader feel as though they really know the characters. At the beginning, the book can seem confusing, whereas Koontz jumps rump and forth from character to character. I feel that after the reader has become accustomed to it, the switching between characters creates good stopping points. However, my mom found it vex and didnt like the switching. &9Koontz explodes into action during the first chapter, which grips the reader and holds their attention throughout the rest of the book. The novel starts out as two separate stories a police officers family living in L.A. and an old retired man living in Montana. As the book progresses the two stories become more connected, and finally intertwined. The book can seem confusing at the start. However, the confusion of the reader is used by Koontz to make the ending more int ense. Koontz certainly unleashes his vivid inclination in this novel, whereas some of the details and occurrences can leave a weak stomached reader feeling nauseous. My mom said that she couldnt sleep after adaptation one of the more disturbing sequences of events. &9The setting of Winter Moon occurs in two different places. Two places that are complete opposites Los Angeles, California and a ranch in Montana.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Statistics Can Reduce Internet Fraud Essay -- Research Analysis
Many online auction sale sites help consumers bid on items they might want to possess. These sites include eBay, WebStore, ebid, OnlineAuction, OZtion, Overstock, and a whole slew of others. Currently on that point is no system to protect consumers from fraudulent sales. When someone bids for an item, consumers trust both the seller and the online auctioneer to be both honest and ethical when presenting items for bid. Many of the auction houses, including Sothebys and Christies have their experts examine each piece to prove authenticity. However, it is not all bad news. To help protect consumers from fraud, Joseph Gastwirth and Wesley Johnson have found that the use of statistics answers the problem of authenticity. Joseph Gastwirth is a Professor of Statistics and economics at George Washington University. Wesley Johnson is a Professor of Statistics at the University of California at Irvine. These two men have worked together to produce an expression for futu re print in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society called Series A Statistics in Society. This paper examines the preview article published in the Significance Magazine entitled Dare you to buy a Henry Moore on eBay. Using statistics enables then to tell where the frauds are lurking. The Statistics Gastwirth and Johnson used a rule similar to that of the Hui-Walter method acting used to estimate the accuracy place of clinical tests and survey classifications. (Gastwirth & Johnson, 2011) This test method utilizes two subpopulations, each with its own prevalence. In the exemplar of the test for authentication of Henry Moores on the Internet, the two subpopulations were drawings and sculptures, and the second was lithographs and etchings. These two gro... ...hnson, 2011) Figure 2 represents the maximum likelihood estimates of the two prevalence parameters and accuracy rates of the two evaluators. Maximum likelihood estimates were obtained using the EM algorithm with standard errors based on the bootstrap using the program TAGS. (Gastwirth & Johnson, 2011) TAGS, is a program for the military rank of test accuracy in the absence of a gold standard. Thus with all questions from Darrell Huffs book How to Lie With Statistics answered, we can safely and accurately conclude that the method used by Gastwirth and Johnson can and should be used by those who intend to purchase artwork off the Internet. Works CitedGastwirth, J. & Johnson, W. (2011, March 14). Dare you to buy a Henry Moore on eBay? Statistics can tell you what to avoid. Significance Magazine, 8(1), 10-14. doi10.1111/j.1740-9713.2011.00470x.
Statistics Can Reduce Internet Fraud Essay -- Research Analysis
umpteen online auction sites help consumers bid on items they might want to possess. These sites include eBay, WebStore, ebid, OnlineAuction, OZtion, Overstock, and a whole slew of others. before long there is no system to protect consumers from fraudulent sales. When someone bids for an item, consumers trust both the seller and the online auctioneer to be both honest and ethical when presenting items for bid. Many of the auction houses, including Sothebys and Christies have their experts examine each piece to prove authenticity. However, it is not all bad news. To help protect consumers from fraud, Joseph Gastwirth and Wesley Johnson have found that the use of statistics answers the puzzle of authenticity. Joseph Gastwirth is a Professor of Statistics and economics at George Washington University. Wesley Johnson is a Professor of Statistics at the University of California at Irvine. These two men have worked together to unveil an article for future print in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society called Series A Statistics in Society. This paper examines the preview article published in the Significance Magazine entitled Dare you to obtain a Henry Moore on eBay. Using statistics enables then to tell where the frauds are lurking. The Statistics Gastwirth and Johnson used a method similar to that of the Hui-Walter method used to estimate the verity rates of clinical tests and survey classifications. (Gastwirth & Johnson, 2011) This test method utilizes two subpopulations, each with its own prevalence. In the case of the test for authentication of Henry Moores on the Internet, the two subpopulations were drawings and sculptures, and the second was lithographs and etchings. These two gro... ...hnson, 2011) Figure 2 represents the maximum likelihood estimates of the two prevalence parameters and accuracy rates of the two evaluators. Maximum likelihood estimates were obtained using the EM algorithm with standard errors based on the bootstrap using the weapons platform TAGS. (Gastwirth & Johnson, 2011) TAGS, is a program for the evaluation of test accuracy in the absence of a gold standard. Thus with all questions from Darrell Huffs book How to Lie With Statistics answered, we can safely and accurately resolve that the method used by Gastwirth and Johnson can and should be used by those who intend to purchase artwork off the Internet. Works CitedGastwirth, J. & Johnson, W. (2011, March 14). Dare you to buy a Henry Moore on eBay? Statistics can tell you what to avoid. Significance Magazine, 8(1), 10-14. doi10.1111/j.1740-9713.2011.00470x.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Introducing Speech of UHCL Student
I introduce myself as ________ currently employed as a _______- The right information and the means to affair it intelligently can provide an organization an edge over its competitors. Businesses are increasingly looking towards technology not only to realize their short terminal figure goals but also to place them strategically for their long term success. This strategy and smart application of technology in Business Processes captivates me.As the process of globalization has reached the frontiers of demarcation, command and technology it is the only indispensable way for the global organizations to face the challenges of the ever evolving field of technology. I aspire, therefore, to pursue Masters in instruction data Systems at your esteemed University. Throughout my education, I always exhibited a high level of competency and proficiency in my schooling as well as my low graduation.Having scored excellent scores in my higher secondary education, I went on to equip myself wi th an undergraduate degree in Instrumentation and Control Engineering, at GNITS, Hyderabad. My public life curriculum enhanced my acquaintance in subjects like C Programming, Data Structures, Control Systems, Neural Networks, Analytical Instrumentation, Microprocessors, Management Science and Digital Signal Processing. It was during this breaker point that my teachers instilled in me a strong inclination towards Information Management and Computer Programming.During my final year undergraduate course, I presented my protrude on Color consider Recognition Using Neural Networks. My project involved coding a programme using MATLAB technology which solves a pattern recognition problem and has a relevance to the filed of Medical Diagnostics, Satellite Imagery and Remote Sensing. As an undergraduate student I also organized an ISTE student chapter symposium, quizzo and mini-project competition. This was made a misfortune owing to my excellence in communication skills, technical know -how, analytical aptitude and an intelligent outlook.After my undergraduate education, the strong desire to understand the business process and the requirements of the labor propelled me to accept an employment before pursuing graduate studies. My employment as a Software Engineer at Accenture, a global fortune cholecalciferol company, demonstrates my overall aptitude.I found this to be a very good opportunity to gain training and real time work experience in the Information Management domain with primary focus on DW/BI Data warehousing/ Business Intelligence. Having worked for over 2.5+ years, now I have gained good knowledge on the overall SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle), picked up a few additional skills like Data Modeling techniques, SQL/PLSQL, and experienced with different flavors of UNIX,. This exposure to DW/BI sphere even fostered my interests further in Information Systems Management. Accenture, with its rich heritage in consulting and technology has provided me ample opportunities to gain domain specific experience and to the tycoon to provide innovative BI solutions.My project in DW/BI capability was in the consumer goods and services domain for Astra Zeneca, a thickening, which is a leading pharmaceutical company. My project at _____ was based on an onshore offshore operating model and it required me to interact closely with the onsite team as well as the client team. This helped me gain new insight into oracle BI tools and also resulted in a training stint at the onsite (Milan) . The time I spent Onsite, in Milan, broadened my vision, had great value additions and helped me become a fully rounded DW/BI professional.Working in the Information Management domain enabled me to gain confidence and to be thankful of the subjects of MIS and also encouraged me to shoulder bigger responsibilities. My competency and leadership skills were rewarded by my company which awarded me with prestigious Young Achievers show (2008) and also Best Team Award as mark of my outstanding performance and contribution. I have done well in all my engagements and have always delivered to the utmost satisfaction of the client.I was favored in taking up Oracle vendor certifications with 100%. I feel it a privilege to have come up first in elocution, debates and other language proficiency competitions held at a district level during my school days. I also showed an aptitude towards innovative skills by participating and triumphant several prizes in science exhibitions and other technical events. During my under graduation I presented several technical papers which were highly appreciated. I also took sprightly part andvolunteered for social service and community events. All these activities have helped me to develop into multifaceted personality with strong interpersonal skills.I aspire to pursue M. S. in Management Information Systems (MS-MIS) because of my strong interest in information technology and its applications to business settin gs. I have seen how information systems can serve as a keep going between technology and business by supporting its planning, operations and critical decision making.Now through MIS program I desire to refine my skills and deliver technology-driven business solutions for global organizations to meet their strategic objectives. I believe that MIS program at University of Houston, Clear Lake will enhance my knowledge and help me greatly in attaining my locomote goals. Amidst the brilliant academic setting of UHCL, I desire to gain the expertise and eventually make an indispensable contribution to the field of Information Systems. It is with sincere swear that I look forward to be a part of UHCL
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Therapeutic Diet Teaching Plan: Gluten Free Diet
Celiac disease is a genetic disease which affects approximately wholeness percent of the U. S. population. Surprisingly enough, al most(prenominal) 95% of people with celiac disease are either misdiagnosed or undiagnosed. Having celiac disease means that ones immune system is attacking any gluten that has been ingested causing damage to the sm every intestine. The damage done to the small intestine will prevent ducking of necessary vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. The tho way to treat celiac disease is by removing all gluten from ones diet. Celiac disease can be difficult to diagnose.The symptoms are generally gas, bloating, diarrhea, weight loss, and fatigue. Many people suffering from these symptoms tend to self-prescribe replys such as Pepto-Bismol or other such remedies for common indigestion. The moreover way to get an accurate diagnosis is from an antibody test done via a simple blood test. If necessary, a small intestine biopsy can be performed as well to provid e a more concrete confirmation of the presence of the disease. The unfortunate reality is that there is no pharmaceutical treatment available. The only solution is to go gluten-fee. Once gluten has been consumed, the individual will have to live with the consequences until the body has been able to rid itself of the gluten. Although the symptoms might seem bearable enough to continue eat gluten products, there are a number of serious side effects to that decision. A person afflicted with celiac disease that goes untreated will in all probability suffer from infertility, some cancers, and most definitely malnutrition. Caring for a newly diagnosed celiac patient requires educating that patient on a number of results. The first topic beingness that celiac disease is not short term.It will require a lifelong lifestyle change that can be difficult for a number of people. Also, as celiac can be asymptomatic and is genetic in nature, relatives (if not already) should also be tested for the disease. Once the initial assault has been allowed to sink in, presentation of diet options need to be completed as treatment should begin as immediately as possible. It is important to know what gluten is. Gluten is represent in wheat, rye, and barley. Any food item containing any of the previously listed items will no endless be consumable for a patient with celiac. Gluten hides in all sorts of different food items.Reading labels will have to become a part of the grocery shopping experience. Even foods like chicken, which might carry the assumption of being gluten superfluous, have to be purchased with caution as chickens are injected with wheat fillers to provide the meat with more flavor. It should not be assumed that packages claiming to be gluten free are. The only way to be sure is to read the label and note the ingredients. Also, food items that are processed on equipment which also handle wheat items should be eaten with caution. The most obvious attack to a celiac diet is that on the carbohydrate food group.Seemingly all bread items are no longer available including moreover not limited to pizza, bagels, bread, pasta, and cakes. However, the good news is that with the rise in population of those afflicted with celiac, breads and other such carbohydrate products are being made with linseed and/ or brown rice. Instead of focusing on finding foods with a wheat base, one can look for breads made with rice, corn, potatoes, soybeans, or tapioca. Although eating foods from the dairy group can be troublesome when immediately beginning treatment for celiac, these foods can be added back into the diet after a few weeks.It is pass to eventually eat cheese and milk. Most ice creams will need to be avoided as they most likely will contain gluten, especially those unclouded fancy added toppings such as Oreos and/or cookie dough. There are a few other food items to do into consideration when planning gluten free meals. Processed and breaded meats alon g with breaded vegetables need to be avoided. Most canned soups, salad dressings, and soy sauce will contain gluten. Sadly, the vast majority of desserts will no longer be able to be enjoyed.Although, one can now find on the shelves of some grocery stores boxed mixes for items such as brownies and cookies. Of course, being a product of wheat and barley, beer is also no longer consumable. The gluten free diet will take getting used to. It can be extremely difficult to give up foods (pizza, for example) that have become personal favorites. It can be made even more frustrating by the fact that symptoms generally take several weeks to go away. However, once the symptoms are gone, the freedom from pain and discomfort will bring much more happiness than a piece of toast.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Mary Shelley
Why it is a Classic Mary Shelley was one of the virtually famous and greatest writers of the early 1800s. She wrote or so(prenominal) great novels and short stories that could be considered classics, such as Frankenstein and The Invisible Girl. A classic is not serious any average novel or short story to be a classic it must have good use of literary fractions, on with a new and different idea for a plot. Mary Shelley uses literary elements in a special way that makes her a classic writer. There argon many great pieces of classic writing by Mary Shelley.Frankenstein, one of her lift out works, is a classic, because she uses suspense, psychological aspects, and tone to make believe a masterpiece. One of the many things that sets Frankenstein and Mary Shelley apart from others is her excellent superpower to create a mood. In Frankenstein she creates a mysterious and suspenseful mood that really captures the readers attention. In the novel schoolmaster says It was already one in the morning the rain pattered dismally against the panes, and my candle was nearly burnt out, when, by the glimmer of the half-extinguished light, I saying the dull yellow eye of the creature open(Ch. ,pg 41) this quote from the novel creates a scary and intense mood. not only does Mary Shelley show her ability to create a mood in Frankenstein, but also in the short story The Invisible Girl. The excellent ability of Mary Shelley to create a mood, in a story or novel is one of the many things that make Frankenstein a classic novel. Mary Shelley also uses suspense and foretell in her writings to keep the reader involved. The monster in Frankenstein tells superior I shall be with you on your wedding-night. (Ch. 20) this is a great example of foreshadowing.When the monster tells Victor this, it becomes obvious that something bad is going to happen and it keeps the reader guessing what it will be, while sending a shiver of terror through their body. Mary Shelley uses the element o f suspense a lot in the novel Frankenstein the reader will always be wandering who will be the monsters next victim and how Victor will react. The use of foreshadowing and suspense in Frankenstein are two things that make it a classic. Frankenstein is also a very unique story and has some psychological aspects to it.The plot of the novel seems to be ahead of its time, it could be called one of the first science fiction novels. Mary Shelleys idea of someone creating spirit was very unique for the 1800s time period. Plots that involved science fiction did not seem to be as popular until technology became more ripe but this is one of the things that make Frankenstein a classic, it was ahead of its time. Frankenstein is also a psychological novel in some ways. It can show the reader that thither can be a monster in anyone, although it does not have to be a physical monster.Although Victor is not physically a monster, he becomes a monster mentally he becomes insane and enraged by the m onster that killed his friends and family. The psychological aspects and how unique Frankenstein is, are reasons why it is a classic. There are many elements about Frankenstein that make it one of the best classic novels of all time. Mary Shelley was a master of exploitation literary elements to create a classic. Not just anyone can write a classic novel it must be something different and skillfully written.She did a wonderful job of creating suspense using foreshadowing throughout the novel. Also one of the biggest things that make this novel a classic is how unique and ahead of its time it was during the 1800s. Frankenstein will be one of the best classic novels for many years to come. ? Works Cited Merriman, C. D. Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. Biography and Works. Search Texts, Read Online. Discuss. Jalic Inc. , 2006. Web. 8 May 2012. . Mould, Chris, and Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. Frankenstein. Oxford Oxford UP, 1997. Print.
Friday, May 24, 2019
The Women’s Rights in Jackson Era
Meekness, humility, gentleness, love, purity, self-renunciation, subjection of will. The fairest flowers, which our fallen world can produce, womans virtues, check to the most acceptable definition of the natural order in society (Melder 2). Men and women occupied totally disagreeent social situations. Between 1815 and 1840 the circumstances of womens lives changed in a number of ways, especially in education, under law, and in the attitudes influencing womans social status.The most significant phase of American womens education before 1850 was the female seminary movement, which in its serious phase began about 1815. Emma Willard, the founder of one of the earliest seminaries wrote the first comprehensive design for a female institution of learning to be circulated in America, Plan for Improving Female Education (Melder 16). In 1821, she began The Troy Female Seminary which became one of the most move and famous institutions for educating women in the United States.Catherine Beec her, like Emma Willard, sought to change the emphasis in the curriculum from fashionable subjects to more substantial courses, including, Latin, philosophy, history, chemistry, and mathematics. She created The Hartford Female Seminary, considered a model building with its large hall seating 150 pupils at writing desks, a library, dressing room, and nine recitation rooms(Davis 399). atomic number 53 of the most useful contributions of the seminary movements before 1850 centered around making school teaching a major vocation for women.Women replaced men as teachers first in the New England states during the 1830s, and spread through other regions in the 1840s. School reformers believed that the introduction of women teacher would not only be economical, but that the influx of females would raise the note of instruction(Melder 25). Education gave women practical experience in leadership as well as examples to follow, yet produced a double standard in learning, limit opportunities to use their new knowledge, and the pattern of unequal pay for the same work as men. Further evidence of the changing status of American women may be found in the law.According to Blackstones interpretation of womens legal condition, By marriage, the husband and wife are one person in law, that is, the rattling being, or legal existence of the woman is suspended during the marriage offering women little freedom (Melder 120). But in 1823, Maine gave legal protection to the property rectifys and in-person independence of married women who had been deserted by their husbands, and Massachusetts followed in 1835. Then in New York in 1836, came an early proposal to give married women the right to hold independent property.While not many other legal firsts were granted to the womens cause, during the 1830s, American women participated in a series of reform movements which include the use of strong drink, education, and the issue of slavery each of which would benefit the well-being of the womans cause. Women were finally involved in the formation of meetings, circulating pamphlets and newsletters, slice gaining a new since of sisterhood and intellectual independence. Socially, womans position began to change considerably. After 1800, middle class American women apparently developed a distinct sense of their appropriate sphere(Melder 7).Women were to elevate the intellectual character of her household and kindle the fires of mental activity in early childhood(Graves 402). The one-on-one home was now the womans domain in keeping the peace and practical piety(Melder 8). Womans crowning glory was maternity in the bearing, nursing, and rearing of her offspring, she could most fully carry out the responsibilities of her appropriate sphere(Melder 9). The relations between mother and child might hold a key to the solution of many social and moral ills, and perhaps the future of the nation itself(Davis 22).While Elizabeth Cady Stanton omits the word obey from her marriage vows, women would be assigned to economize the moral and religious values, especially to transmit these values to succeeding generations(Melder 143). Women were still considered second class citizens, sub-sets of their husbands, and limited mostly to the home and care of the children much little given any real or significant rights. Women were considered mere objects of beauty, and were looked upon as intellectually and physically inferior to men.The struggle for womens rights was a product of change, contest conventional attitudes, demanding the end of restrictions, expanding opportunities for women, and helping to organize them nationally. The movements purposes, momentous yet simple, were described by an advocate in 1840 I shall claim secret code for ourselves because of our sex, we should demand our recognition as equal members of the human family. The term Womans Rights will become obsolete, for none will entertain the idea that the rights of women differ from the rights o f men. It is then human rights for which we contend(Davis 158).
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Organization Development Consultant Plan for the Red Cross Essay
The American cherry-red botch up is dedicated to helping people in need end-to-end the United States. Most of the country may not realize how much the sanguine corrupt accomplishes this noble c tout ensembleing through the settlement on the generous contributions of time, blood, and m championy from the American public to have a bun in the oven their lifesaving services and programs. The American Red chthonianwrite also partners with other Red Cross networks, throughout the world to help some of the most marginalized and vulnerable populations. Clara Barton and a circle of her acquaintances founded the American Red Cross in Washington, D. C. on May 21, 1881 (Red Cross, 2013d, para. ). Barton action some(prenominal) overseas missions for the Red Cross but eventually came back to the United States and continued her domestic and global efforts for the next 23 years (Red Cross, 2013d).The Red Cross mystifyd their first congressional charter in 1900, and the second in 1905, w hich is still in effect today. The charter sets forth the purposes of the brass section which includes giving recess to and serving as a medium of colloquy between members of the American armed forces and their families and providing national and international disaster relief and mitigation (Red Cross, 2013d, para. ). Since 2006, the Red Cross and FEMA have partnered together to help various government agencies and communities plan and coordinate the provision of food and shelter for people affected by disasters (American Red Cross, 2013d, para. 8). Today, in that location are over a thousand local chapters throughout the United States (American Red Cross, 2013e, para. 3) that continue the mission of the American Red Cross, fueled by doglike volunteers and contributors. . organizational CultureThe culture of the American Red Cross is built on its dedication to a contemporary mission and vision statement which pass on guide it through the 21st century, along with seven fundame ntal principles. Stop Mission Statement (Red Cross, 2013c, para. 1). The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors. Vision Statement (Red Cross, 2013c, para. 2). The American Red Cross, through its strong network of volunteers, donors and partners, is always there in generation of need.We aspire to influence compassion into action so that all people affected by disaster across the country and around the world receive trouble, shelter and hope our communities are ready and prepared for disasters everyone in our country has access to safe, lifesaving blood and blood products all members of our armed services and their families find support and comfort whenever required and in an emergency, there are always trained individuals nearby, ready to use their Red Cross skills to save lives.The seven fundamental principles of the global Red Cross Network consist of the followin g Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service, Unity, and Universality (American Red Cross, 2013c). These fundamental principles are used as a basic seat in which to build from and guide all of the Red Cross communities across the globe keeping everyone in tune with the core values and mission found by Clara Barton so long ago.The poster of Governors serves as the governing body of the American Red Cross, which has all powers overseeing and directing the leadership and management of the business and affairs of the organization. The corporate governance principles of the American Red Cross are found in the Congressional Charter and a series of documents that are reviewed periodically, by the Board of Governors, to ensure that they continue to meet the needs of the organization and reflect best practices (Red Cross, 2013a, para.1).In 2007, the American Red Cross devised a comprehensive governance cleanse that was signed into law by the President of the Unit ed States. This reform was an effort to modernize the Board, and provide a more clear oversight and strategical power for the Board. Highlights of governance reforms include ensuring that Governance procedures provide clear guidance about expectations and enhance Board and individual Board member performance (American Red Cross, 2013a, para. 2). Organizational Leadership over TimeThe Chairman of the Board and the President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), like most executives, play a significant bureau in the stabilization and future growth of the American Red Cross. The Chairman leads the Board of Governors in the oversight of the organization while the President and CEO implements strategic organizational extendment and leads the operations of the Red Cross. acceptedly, two women hold the honor of Chairman and CEO of the American Red Cross Bonnie McElveen-Hunter and Gail McGovern, respectively (Red Cross, 2013b). Ms. McElveen-Hunter is the reason U. S.Ambassador to Finland (2001 2003) and the CEO and owner of Pace Communications, Inc. , the largest private custom publishing company in the United States (Red Cross, 2013b, para. 2) and was appointed as Chairman of the American Red Cross on June 17, 2004. Gail J. McGovern was named President and CEO of the American Red Cross on April 8, 2008. After previously holding top management positions at AT&T Corporation and Fidelity Investments (Red Cross, 2013b, para. 3). McGovern has extensive experience running large organizations and a proven track record for improving performance (American Red Cross, 2013b).Current Organizational Development Phenomena Since the inception of the refreshed CEO, Gail McGovern, in 2008, the American Red Cross has undergone several structural flip-flops in an effort to maximize the organizations impact with its obtainable resources. According to McGovern, these efforts to improve operational efficiency, cutting unnecessary expenses, modernizing our technological systems, or s tandardizing blood collection labeling (Red Cross, 2012, pg. 1) are all directed towards the goal of providing optimal care for those in need.Just in the last year two years alone, the American Red Cross has assisted the tornado victims of Joplin Missouri, which claimed more than 150 lives in 2011 helped those afflicted by numerous wildfires burning in various parts of the West supplied aid to victims of floods in Florida, due to Tropical Storm Debby provided much needed help to those living near the Northeast coast who suffered from extensive power outages and damage from Hurricane Sandy, and many, many more vital services that go largely unmentioned throughout the country (Red Cross, 2012).The American Red Cross, clearly, will never run out of work which requires a leader that is creative, resourceful, dynamic, fluid, and up for complex challenges in an ever changing landscape. Organizational Development Needs The first step in approaching a national giant such as the American R ed Cross is to obtain a meeting with current president and CEO, Gail McGovern, for a meaningful dialogue and assessment of her vision for the future of American Red Cross the brand, and American Red Cross the organization (i. e. employees, volunteers, contributors).Clear expectations and limitation on what the organization development consultants role will be during the process, as well as future down assessments, must be defined. A well established theory of organizational development, tailored to the American Red Cross, must be adhered to. In this case, I recommend the socio-technical systems theory first developed by Eric Trist. This theory incorporates the idea that organizations are comprised of, and interdependent of, two systems social and technical realizing that changes in one cause changes in the other.This approach is best utilized by organizations that directly rely on their material means for their output, and at the core of their institution lays an almost indeciphe rable difference between their human and non-human systems (Van de Ven & Joyce, 1981). Together, the consultant and the CEO will determine how these two components (social and technical) interact within and around the American Red Cross organization, and assess feedback and synergy between the systems for optimal effectiveness. Secondly, a info gathering method must be decided upon to obtain the most germane(predicate) and accurate nurture for basing an organizational strategy upon.There are several methods available, each with inherent positive and negative considerations. However, the CEO must establish what types of information the consultant may and may not have access to this will limit the choices of methods available. For a national organization that is also a part of a global organization, such as the American Red Cross, a survey/questionnaire is recommended, which focuses on the current climate of the cultural perceptions of the organization by the employees and voluntee rs.This method allows a consultant to quickly yield data, address a broad range of topics, compare the data across groups, maintain anonymity, and easily repeat the process for follow-up purposes for the next two years and beyond. Other data gathering methods such as observation and focus groups are also recommended but with full revelation and acknowledgement that they are both time-consuming and limited for a national organization consideration should be given to reserve these methods for upper-level management as needed (Anderson, 2012, pp. 119-150).Once the information desired is agreed upon with Gail McGovern, then the method and design of the data gathering tool can be implemented. Next, gathering and version the data correctly to ensure maximum benefit for the proposed intervention(s) is critical. I suggest using a detailed system of deductive analysis that makes coding data easier, helps with data interpretation, and communicating it to the client. It would also be useful to also incorporate inductive analysis as well to pull out key themes that may be evident (Anderson, 2012, pp. 19-150). Once, this is done, a feedback meeting, with Gail McGovern, should be set up to discuss the results derived from the data, proposed intervention(s), and strategic planning. Keep in mind, however, the data should be reviewed at least one more time prior to the meeting to ensure that it accurate, and has not violated any established ethical considerations. This attention to detail cannot be emphasized decent as the interpretation of the data unveils the strengths and weaknesses of the organization.This, in turn, will directly affect the stability and future direction of the organization as it strives to grow and thrive in a vastly competitive environment over arguably shrinking economic resources. Organizational Development Recommendations Based on the results and interpretation of the data, intervention(s) may be suggested that are in line with Gail McGoverns visio n for American Red Cross a vision for stability and increased revenue and partnerships (Red Cross, 2012).Therefore, I would turn your attention to the Kotters Model (Kotter International, 2012) as a step-by-step guide for a national organization, with a global reach, that embraces change and is ready to whole-heartedly commit to such a program that is proven to yield incredible performance benefits when followed long-term (see both Chart 1 and Chart 2-pg. 12). Implementing step one is vital, developing a sense of urgency (Kotter International, 2012). The CEO must develop a sense of urgency, regarding her vision for the future of the American Red Cross, amongst the employees, volunteers, and contributors.This is accomplished by first ascertain the current climate of the organization through the data gathering methods mentioned previously, which establishes a base-line from which to monitor progress, and then devising organization strategies (media, social-media, print-media, etc) to disseminate the vision quickly and develop the sense of urgency necessary. The second step of Kotters Model involves putting together the right coalition of people to lead a change opening which is critical to the success of McGoverns vision for the future (Kotter International, 2012).The American Red Cross currently has a stellar mix of dedicated people at the highest levels. However, objective observation and analysis of upper-level team meetings is recommended in order to evaluate current synergy, or lack thereof, and add team building workshops as needed to address and facilitate trust, relationship building, communication and collaboration across various branches of the organization. In a rapidly changing world, complex organizations, such as the American Red Cross, are forced to make decisions more quickly and with less certainty than they would like. Effective leaders must make productive decisions under these ircumstances therefore, it is paramount that all of the teams de velop a level of trust in one another.The third step involves establishing a clear vision which serves three grievous purposes (Kotter International, 2012). A clear vision simplifies the complex, motivates people, and helps implement the actions efficiently. McGovern must be unmistakably clear in stating her vision for the American Red Cross, the path in which the organization must follow to be successful in accomplishing the vision, the expectations of each leader who reports directly to her, the benchmarks for measurement of progress, and a method for objective follow-up.The fourth step is gaining an savvy and commitment to a new direction (Kotter International, 2012). This step is imperative to core of the vision. In order to establish an understanding and commitment to the new vision for the American Red Cross from the current leaders, McGovern must commit herself to communication in all ways, and at every level of the organization possible. Multiple channels of communication must be used to enforce the message of the vision, and up-dates on the progress, frequently to keep everyone aware of the goal, and their importance to the overall success of the organization.This can be accomplished in various ways, such as daily motivational huddles (15 minutes or less to focus on the days objectives), monthly meetings to maintain continuity, quarterly newsletter to monitor progress, yearly meetings with upper-management to communicate goals and celebrate achievements. The fifth step involves empowering broad-based action (Kotter International, 2012). Having a clear and realistic understanding that creating a new vision, and establishing new cultural norms, is not without its obstacles is essential to McGovern as she attempts to realign the American Red Cross with her vision.Implementing proven management problem-solving methods, as well as on-going training is crucial. Furthermore, all action plans must be analyzed in order to ensure that management has all of t he necessary tools and up-to-date information for successful implementation of the change vision. Lastly, utilizing electronic surveys help to speed up feedback and provide information for people to do their jobs more efficiently.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Structural Family Therapy
Structural Family Therapy (SFT) has a few treatments within the speculation-based seat that I could see myself using with clients (families) from respective(a) backgrounds with diverse presenting problems. I am in agreement with the way this copy looks at the different types of families and the types of issues they present with such as the patterns common to troubled families some world enmeshed, helter-skelter and tightly interconnected, while others be disengaged, isolated and seemingly unrelated.This model also religious serviceed me understand that families are structured in subsystems with boundaries, their members not seeing these complexities and problems that are difference on between them. Compared to the four family and equalise therapy models in this paper, I take this model fits the more or less with Adlerian assumptions for the following reasons. This model understands and speaks to the complexities in the family system, the roles that each member dispense s on how they relate to each other, of power, and hierarchy, thus treating the family system holistically.This is also similar to the emphasis on democratic parenting skills that Adler focused on, with the aim to abet families understand that relationships based on power and hierarchy are not powerful in the long run. A few other similarities between SFT and Adlerian interventions are the use of reenactment, metaphors, and focusing on the familys strengths to work toward a common goal of a changing the existing structure of the family to a repossessthier adept. Role of the TherapistWhen using this model, I would be comfortable as the healer as my goal would be to join the system using myself to transform it. In that role, I would be alive(p) and directive, determining the structure of the therapy and facilitating the process. This model may work better with families from diverse background because from personal experience and perceptiveness, it may be easier for Asiatics to let the therapist take on the facilitator role, structuring and directing because most Eastern cultures and families are run that way.I homogeneous the aspect of this model where the therapist seeks to change the maladaptive patterns by choreographing family interactions in session in order to create the opportunity for impudent, more functional interactions to emerge, using the major techniques of joining (engaging and entering the family system), diagnosing (identifying maladaptive interactions and family strengths), and restructuring (transforming maladaptive interactions). By learning how to use this model well, I could learn to assess and facilitate healthy family interactions based on cultural norms of the family being helped when using this theoretical model in practice.Interventions Most of Minuchins interventions under this model resonated with me, however it seems as if this model (and Minuchin himself) tends to be quite directive, I will substantiate to keep in mind t hat for some families this may not be the best approach to take because they may find it offensive and crossing their (the familys) boundaries. I also count that with the use of common sense and after building an bail with the family, the direct approach screw be a healthy no-nonsense way of percentage the clients see the problem, and facilitating change may not be a process that gets dragged on for months.I think practicing the intervention of joining could benefit me as a therapist because I as the therapist would support specific behaviors or verbalizations to increase the strength and independence of every member of the family, subsystems, and alliances. I could do this by adjusting to the communication style and perceptions of the family members to join the system, make the goal to establish an impelling therapeutic relationship with the family. I can also resonate with using restructuring where I would be able to utilize therapeutic interventions that bring about change through modification in the family structure.Functional Family Therapy conjecture Functional Family Therapy (FFT) is a theoretical model that fits with me for the following reasons. FFTs three intervention phases- engagement and motivation, behavior change, and generalization- are straight forward techniques for the therapist to follow and interventions that are interdependent. I uniform the systematic approach to understanding families in this model, and that it can be used as a prevention and intervention model when dealing with family systems. I think this model is quite similar ith Adlerian assumptions because the use of techniques such as engagement and motivation establishes a family-focused perception of the presenting problem that serves to increase the family members hope and expectation of change, step-down resistance, improve alliance with one another and create greater trust between family and therapist, reduce negativity within family, and assist in building keep an eye on for individual differences and values. Clinicians provide concrete behavioral intervention to guide and model specific behavior changes such as parenting, communication, and conflict management.Role of the Therapist As a future therapist whose goal is to practice with diverse populations, I would be comfortable using functional therapy because of the flexible integration of clinical speculation as office of the models design which offers an opportunity to meet families where they are most comfortable, understand and encourage their natural social networks and to provide culturally and linguistically responsive services as truly part of the treatment process.I think this model has flexibility and extends to all family members and in that locationby results in effective moment-by-moment decisions in the intervention backdrop, thus being systemic and individualized. In my personal opinion and experience, I find that the field of psychology is lacking in diverse cultural com petencies as much as the society is diverse in its population.I believe that as with using any theoretical model, the therapists cultural association inevitably to include understanding of the many cultural considerations influencing the effectiveness of treatment when dealing with clients from diverse backgrounds. When servicing the individuals in the family, care and attention needs to be directed towards family and community norms and values around help seeking, secrecy and confidentiality, family roles, child rearing and spiritual practices. Interventions unrivaled of the main interventions of Functional Family Therapy that resonates with me is that one of the prime goals of this model is to identify the primary focus of intervention (the family) and reflect an understanding that dictatorial and negative behaviors both influence and are influenced by the relationships each family member has with one another. Therefore, making functional therapy a multi systemic program, meani ng that it focuses on the multiple domains and systems within which families live and interact with one another.Within this context, FFT works first to flummox family members inner strengths and sense of being able to improve their situations by using skill building techniques. These characteristics provide the family with a platform for change and future carrying into action that extends beyond the direct support of the therapist and other social systems. As hopeful as it may sound, when using this theoretical model, I as the therapist could lead the family to greater self sufficiency that work for them as a team, and not against each other. Solution-Focused Therapy TheoryThe way the Solution-Focused Therapy (SFT) theoretical model fits me is that it focuses on exceptions to the familys problem, workings towards a change in behavior which can naturally develop through this process. I think this model is similar to the Adlerian assumptions where it is future point and personally , I think it is quite an insight-oriented model, not getting too deep into one particular family members pathology, notwithstanding rather focusing on what the system can do to adapt to it, and allows the family decide if that pathology is a problem or not.Like the Adlerian model, SFT looks at the family system holistically, taking every member into account yet working as a whole towards a common goal of having a healthier relationship with one another. I think this is an essential aspect in family therapy because he therapist is not only dealing with one individual, but a few, with different personality types and world views. Role of the TherapistThe aspects of this theory that I like is that it differs from some traditional therapy models and does not focus on the cause of the familys problems nor dictated the way the family is supposed to work, but focuses more on a better approach that moves the family focus off of what is wrong and onto what is right, stresses the resources an d skills clients already have and bring into therapy, and helps the family members take on the role of the experts (which they hold anyway) and take responsibility for setting their own goals and reaching them.Putting this into practice, I would see the family not become stuck in a passive and helpless role as a family unit, locked into a problem narrative they rehearse over and over again, but more active participants in the therapeutic process. From the South-East Asian perspective, this model could be effective working with multi-cultural families because the therapists maintain a future more directed focus, with language like as things get better lets work on positive sustenance with the kids this week .From my personal experiences and observations, because the idea of therapy is still a very new, almost unpopular concept, it is difficult for South East Asians to do too much affect of a negative situation, and would rather prefer to focus on the positive, which in turn may gi ve them insight into the negative, leading to a positive change. Interventions The intervention that resonated with me in this model is that solution building is the goal, and as the family changes the language that shapes how they think about the problem, they change the language that shapes how they think about the solution.This model does not determine too much emphasis on what is missing and that which causes woe for the family, but what is positive and present and that which can lead to a healthier relationship amongst the family members. From my viewpoint, there are quite a few similarities between SFT and the interventions used in the Adlerian model that resonate with me personally and I will use as part of my interventions in the future. For example, asking each member the miracle question such as if one night you were sleeping and a miracle happened and fixed this (the presenting problem) problem, what would that look like? As it is the goal from the Adlerian perspective, the key with this question from the SFT perspective is not to immediately find the cure, but rather to refocus their attention on the elements they need to take in a new and positive story of how their life is going to be. I also like the intervention in this theory that rather than summing up what the therapist thinks the client is saying, the therapist asks questions to focus and direct the clients thinking and view which in turn gives the other family members a chance to listen and understand where the family member is advent from as well.The solution may not even look like it will fit or resolve the problem, however a small decorous change will nudge the system in a different direction and that may be all that is needed for the family to move towards a positive change. Integrative Behavioral Therapy Theory Integrative Behavioral Therapy (IBT) is a newer model based on traditional models of behavioral matchs therapy. In this particular model, one of the goals of therapy is to help the couple understand that some problems can be resolved by compromise, but realistically some likely can not.Also, the aim for this model is to help the couple see that it is not the incompatibilities, but the rigid, negative, and excessive emotional responses that can develop from these unresolved issues that creates the problems and misunderstandings between them. I do believe the models of this theory because it is share the couple realize that talking about how they live and think about problems sometimes is necessary before they go on to accept them.Also, I like the approach of the theory that most partners can learn ways to alter the negative emotional responses they have to problems, responses that make them, as well as their partners, unhappy. However, on the other hand, this theory tends to have an optimistic approach that most partners can learn new ways to resolve relational problems, but realistically benignant behavior is not as easy to change as this theory p redicts it can. Role of the TherapistI can see myself using parts of this theoretical model for the following reasons. I think this model has somewhat of a no-nonsense approach and suggests that simply talking about how one odours and thinks about a problem is not very helpful rather, teaching the couple to do something about it is what can really help them. However, for the partners to learn ways to break freehanded patterns of behavior that cause problems in their relationship, as this model suggests, is easier said than done in some relationships.As this model suggests, most partners can learn new ways to compromise and resolve problems, making each other happier, it is a concept that may be quite challenging for couples to put into practice international of the therapeutic setting, where they have the therapist to play the role of the coach in their relationship. Therefore, as much as I love the idea of a couple not only talking the talk, but walking the walk, this may be a s truggle with most couples who are stagnant in their ways and thoughts, it would certainly take its time (as well as money) in putting this theory into practice.Interventions While I could see the interventions in this model being a little easier to work with when working with an individual, it would be difficult with a couple because I would not only be dealing with one personality type, but two different ones, sometimes very different. Further, at the end of therapy, it is hard to know if the couple will recover from their problems well enough to have a healthier relationship. Thus, not knowing that the initial improvements that the couple works on during therapy even appear to last as the couple goes onto being and making it on their own.The addition of a communication skills to this therapy may be able to help improve the lasting effect of treatment to some extent for the couple. Emotion-Focused Therapy Theory The theoretical model of Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) would be a good fit for me for the following reasons. The speaking and understanding of emotions is a huge part of any/every relationship, and this theory views both partners as lacking in some skills in misunderstanding such emotions men need to expand their emotional repertoire and women need to feel powerful enough to express their needs.Also, validation of ones feelings, i. . fear, sadness, hurt, anger, is an important part of growth, intimacy and understanding between a couple. It is when emotions are not perceive or misunderstood that couples begin holding grudges and the relationship undoubtedly suffers. That is why this model of therapy is so important, is because it focuses on an individuals emotions, which is one of the most large parts of change in human behavior, in turn validating the partners emotions and attachment needs, responding genuinely to the partners individually, and try to stir the two partners own ability to heal themselves and their relationship.In my opinion, EFT is h umanistic based, and believes the couple can heal itself. This way, I as the therapist should not be doing more work than the couple, rather leading them in a direction that does not shows a patriarchal pathologization of connection and attachment (womens ways of relating), and idealization of separation and individuation (mens ways of relating). Role of the TherapistI would be comfortable using this theoretical model in the future for the following reasons. I believe that in this model the therapy session is used as a healing time where a corrective emotional experience between partners happens, and it is that process that leads to the method of therapeutic change. EFT has the unique factors of seeing change in therapy where there is focus on the partners emotions, in turn leading the therapist to empower the clients.When used in a clinical setting, I believe I would benefit from using this model because I would be able to help my clients understand that when one partner expresses their underlying feelings, the other should change their perceptions in an understanding way after hearing their feelings. Also, with this model I would be able to teach my clients to learn to understand their underlying emotions and to productively express their emotional needs to their partner. Foremost, pointing out to my clients that they both need to take responsibility for their emotional needs and to be able to receive validation from the other partner for those needs.Being from a South-East Asian background, I have noticed that I am pulled towards therapy models that are culturally sensitive. EFT is culturally sensitive as universal emotions between the couple are examined, but placed in a personal cultural context. For example, shame is universal, but shame takes on an additional role in the Pakistani culture. Anger is universal, but often takes different forms when men and women express it. Responsibility is universal, but whats a mans responsibility and a womans responsib ility is determined but the cultures views of marriage.Interventions One of the interventions in this model that resonated with me is that I, as the therapist, have to seek out vulnerable emotions in my clients, and very slowly build the awareness of them, an example can be of moving from uncomfortable to upset to hurt eventually. On the other hand, this may be difficult to do in some clients with a South-East Asian and/or Asian and/or Middle Eastern descent because most individuals from that region find it difficult to face their emotions or being vulnerable in front of a stranger (the therapist) because of cultural upbringing.Hence, it may be a challenging concept to bring into practice when dealing with population from the East because most people from that part of the world are raised and taught to conceal their emotions and not expose them to show ones vulnerability, which in turn means being a failure for individuals. This means, I as the therapist will probably need to take m ore time building a relationship alliance with my clients so we can make use of the valuable interventions that this model provides.Another salient part of this model I can see myself using in practice is when I am uncovering the primary or underlying emotions, I notice the language the partners use. For instance, the partners may say things like I feel like Im drowning, it may seem dramatic, but it captures an intense, painful, and powerful emotional experience of the individual. I can point out to my clients that the secondary emotions of anger and resentment are far easier to show and talk about which many couples end up doing.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
How Important is Setting in Gulliver’s Travels? Essay
Gullivers Travels was written in 1726 by Johnathan active. Swift was a really outspoken member of the Church of England. His previous book, The Tale of a Tub satirized the feuds between Catholics and Protestants, and ruined his chances of being a bishop with its unpopularity. Swift uses lotting in Gullivers Travels to cave in his own criticisms of gentleity and his views on society. He presents several different societies, which each represent an exaggerated thought of 18th century Europe. The eponymous hero is Lemuel Gulliver, whose name indicates his nature He starts off extremely gullible. As Gulliver travels through Lilliput, Brobdingnag, Laputa, Glubbdubdrib, Luggnugg, and the demean of the Houyhnhnms, he becomes disillusioned with his own humansity and ends up disgusted by another(prenominal) mankind and spending his behavior talking to his horses.In Lilliput, Swift draws parallels with England, the nobility and parliament in particular. The emperor is small-minded and probably represents George I. George I was German and never learnt to speak English. He was reputed to be delusive, like the emperor, who of necessity long introductions and fancy title to boost his ego.In Lilliput, Swift also introduces the idea that the stature of a human is restal to the generosity, kindness, and wisdom of a human, contrary to Gullivers expectations. At the start of his second voyage, he even says, Human creatures ar observed to be more savage and cruel in proportion to their bulk. This is after he has been tied up, shot at, and trapped by the tiny Lilliputians, which enforces the idea that Gullivers observations are not always accurate. This incorrect observation highlights the almost perfect society of the Brobdingnagians, who are oft bigger than Gulliver.Swift mainly uses Lilliput to draw attention to the absurdity of religious wars, such as the engagement between the Catholics in Ireland and the English Protestants. The main way he does this is by gi ving an exaggerated physical exercise of a stupid religious war Lilliputs war with Blefescu. The war started because the then Emperor of Lilliput passed a law adage that all(prenominal)one had to break their chunks at the small end. People who broke this law were discriminated against, and books by them were destroyed and not published. This is very similar to the situation in Ireland which Swift strongly objected to, despite the fact that he was a Protestant himself. Furthermore, the mutually sacred book of the Little-endians and Big-endians says, both true believers shall break their egg at the convenient end. This is blatantly Swift saying that war between Catholics and Protestants is foolish because they are scarcely arguing about their interpretation of the same book. His point is convincing because he uses an obviously zany example to demonstrate his idea.As well as drawing attention to the absurdity of the conflict in Ireland, Swift also reflects on self-love in huma ns. The Lilliputians, though incredibly small, are so vain that they think they can imprison Gulliver. Another example is when Gulliver saves the Empress and her possessions but instead of thanking him, she is so proud that she cannot finagle with the way he put out the fire, even though it was the only way to save her apartment. She pressures the regime to get rid of Gulliver because of the harm he has caused her reputation. The Empress is thought to represent Queen Anne, who was displeased by Swifts earlier book The Tale of a Tub because she thought that, while it might dissuade interest in Catholicism, it would do the same for Protestantism. Her disapproval meant that Swift would never become a bishop.In contrast to Lilliput, Brobdingnag is almost utopian all resources are pooled and divided equally, and the King and Queen are sharp-witted and just. During Gullivers stay in Brobdingnag, he attends the king several times to tell him about England and Europe. Gulliver recounts He was perfectly astonished with the historical account I gave him of our affairs during the last century, protesting it was only a messiness of conspiracies, rebellions, murders, massacres, revolutions, banishments, and the very worst effects that avarice, faction, hypocrisy, perfidiousness, cruelty, rage, madness, hatred, envy, lust, malice, or ambition could produce. These are incredibly strong linguistic communication from such a kind king, which parades that he is very upset by the actions of a race that is so similar to his own.Swift makes Gulliver seem stupid in Lilliput, by making him endure his captivity, be afraid(p) of the Lilliputians, and other things related to his size in relation to his captors, and because Swift has given us the impression that Gulliver is a fool, we start to believe his opinions less and less, and start to interpret his narrative in different ways. This in fun helps us believe that the Brobdingnagian King is at least partly right in saying that the bulk of your natives are the most pernicious race of little odious vermin that Nature ever suffered to kotow upon the surface of the Earth. Gulliver then says that the king must be excused because he is so farthermost from the rest of the innovation that his standards could not fit in our country.Even though Swift portrays Brobdingnag as a sort of Utopia, and it is by far the most civilised place Gulliver visits, it is not perfect. The dictionary defines Utopia as an type and perfect place or state where everyone lives in harmony and everything is for the best. There is still detestation in Brobdingnag, because Gulliver himself watches the execution of a murderer, and there are still bad people, as in every society, like the dwarf, who drops Gulliver in a bowl of cream. Perhaps Swift is saying that even the best human societies cannot be truly perfect, because of the nature of manhood some people are born bad. This is at odds with the thinking of the time, when people opt imistically thought that human nature was basically good. Swift is suggesting that this is untrue.Gullivers next voyage is to Laputa. Swift uses Laputa to collection his opinion of the (then) current obsession with scientific knowledge and learning. The Laputians are so deep in thought all the time that they assimilate to employ flappers to bring them back into a conversation by flapping them on the ears and mouth. They are unable to carry out a conversation, or do anything physical, without a flapper. Because of this, their wives and daughters escape to the mainland underneath Laputa whenever they can, and some do not come back. Swift uses the Laputians to show the stupidity of science just for sciences sake when scientists start to ignore the rest of the world because they are so concerned in astronomical and mathematical matter, they are not helping anyone.The newsworthiness Laputa sounds like the Spanish word for prostitute, la puta, and Swift would have known this, so he ma y be suggesting that the Laputians have prostituted themselves to science. Laputa is also a floating island, kept up by a magnetic stone, so the Laputians literally have their heads in the clouds. After realising that Gulliver is not as clever as he is supposed to be (he is a doctor), the reader has begun to read into Gullivers descriptions and should see the ridiculousness and the proportion to scientists.Also on this voyage, Gulliver visits a place called The Academy, which represents the kinglike Society of London, a scientific institute set up by Isaac Newton. The experiments described Gulliver that take place in The Academy actually finded in the Royal Society, despite how ridiculous they are. They include extracting sunbeams out of cucumbers, using spiders to produce silk, and ploughing the ground with pigs who are act to find acorns that have been planted there. Each of the professors doing these experiments is odd in appearance, to draw attention to the strangeness of th eir experiment.All of the places Gulliver travels to on this voyage are obsessed with knowledge, except Luggnugg, where those born with immortality are feared and looked down on. These people have realised the problems with immortality. At first, Gulliver imagines how he would spend an infinite lifetime, but he imagines himself eternally young, but this is a different thing to immortality. After seeing the aged Struldbruggs, he says, My keen Appetite for Perpetuity of feeling was much abated. I grew heartily ashamed of the pleasing Visions I had formed, and thought no Tyrant could represent a Death into which I would not run with Pleasure from such a Life.Gullivers nett voyage, and the most controversial one, is to the Land of the Houyhnhnms, which sounds a bit like the word human when said by a horse. In this Land, Gulliver firsts sees the Yahoos, which he sees as some kind of animal and not as humans at all. He describes their appearance as he would an animal, and compares them to other animals, noting, as the Brobdingnagian scientists did, that they werent very well equipped for survival. Because of their wild appearance, he does not recognise them as human, and is shocked when he discovers that they are. In the Land of the Houyhnhnms, horses are the ruling species, and keep Yahoos as pets. The Yahoos emphasise everything Swift has implied about humanity they show avarice, lust, and greed, the leader is always the slyest and disgusting one. The grey mare, Gullivers companion on this voyage, says that when more than enough provender is given to a group of Yahoos, each one will try to get it all to itself.The Land of the Houyhnhnms is by far the most ideal society Gulliver encounters, albeit not for the humans. However, it is almost completely devoid of emotion, and is the only place Gulliver visits where the people do not have names. As well as this, if a family has two same-gender foals, they will trade one with a family that has two foals of the oppos ite gender, to keep the balance. This would be impossible in a human society, as nobody would trade his or her own child.The closest a human society gets to this is in Lilliput, one of the most ridiculous countries Gulliver visits, where the children only see their parents for a few age a year, and live communally the rest of the time. Swift may be suggesting, by making this happen in Lilliput, that it is a bad idea, and that parents should keep their own children, even at the cost of society. the Land of the Houyhnhnms shows that a perfect society is possible, but as Swift chooses to compose it of horses, with humans as a stoppage to it, he is probably suggesting that because of the nature of humans, we cannot possibly have an entirely perfect society, we can only try, as in Brobdingnag.In conclusion, Swift uses each setting to emphasis one or more of humanitys flaws. In Lilliput, he demonstrates pride in the Lilliputians, in Brobdingnag he shows us the stupidity of the vanity of the women by pointing out all their blemishes from close up (Their Skins appeared so coarse and uneven, so variously coloured, when I saw them near, with a Mole here and there as broad as a Trencher, and Hairs reprieve from it thicker than Pack-threads, to say nothing further concerning the rest of their Persons.) In his third voyage, the thirst for knowledge and immortal life is ridiculed, and in the Land of the Houyhnhnms, everything Swift has said so far is confirmed, in the disgusting Yahoos.
Monday, May 20, 2019
How Did the Indsutrial Development Unite or Divide the North and the South Essay
During the Civil contend, the overtures of the industrial Revolution introduced great changes in the industrial and technological culture. Both the pairing and the South created many advances in railroad and water exileation. The Union, however, was far to a greater extent advanced technologic wholey than the Confederate states . Consequently, the North made greater and more effective use of progress in weapons, communication, patronise breaker and medicine than South . Although the industrial development made the body politic very widely known, both the south and the north were divided because their differences.The Civil War was the first modern war that helped strengthen the technology and industrial system. But their industry and technology elevated the two sides, which represented different economic conditions. The North had developed a strong frugality that was fair day-by-day more industrialized. By the nineteenth light speed, large detailories and organizations s prang up throughout the north. Also, the tribe of the rustic was increase and immigrants from all over Europe came along. The North was meet a huge success but the South was falling behind.The North was rising in a higher success rate than the South. The Union flourished more factories and more transportation. Canals were being handmade, in that respect was an increase of campaign force and there it was becoming more adequate to transport product through trains . Inventions were also becoming to life. For example, the electrify was becoming a extremely useful. Invented by Samuel F. B. Morse, the Telegraph was inexpensive to make and was ideal for long distance communication. The north had more advantages in fathering the economy because it had twice as big as the population from the south.It had much greater man power and it had a runter work force. Many factories from the north make war material to supply to the Union. However, slavery was diminish around the 1860s and f actories were pouring in by the immigrants from Europe. In fact, seven out of every eight immigrants that traveled to the U. S. settled in the North rather than the South. The economy in the North was also increasing therefore immigrants settled there to establish their own business. Northerners were far more likely to have careers in business, medicine, or education .Also, children were slightly more prone to attend school than Southern children. As for the South, the untoughened climate and the fertile soil made it ideal for farmers to grow significant amounts of crops. There were more vast natural resources in the south and because agriculture was so profitable few Southerners saw a accept for industrial development . There were no large cities aside from a few known places. intimately of the known cities existed near shipping ports to send agricultural produce to Northern destinations.However, the South had difficulty with transportation and most products were sent by water . Only a few train tracks were located in the South. In the other hand, Southern children tended to spend less time in school and most Southern families establish their teachings in gravitating toward military careers as well as agriculture . The first half of the nineteenth century was a time of expansion and improvement of transportation systems. States in the North and the Midwest chartered and built overland roads and turnpikes. The Turnpike Era (1790-1820) consisted of Americans relying on roads for internal transportation.Canals, such as the Erie Canal, bind New York City to the Great Lakes. Steamboats and railroads improved the movement of goods and people, for side drumg ties that served both sides well during the Civil War. The first federal charter corporation that created the dream of the transcontinental railroad was the Union Pacific Railroad association and the Central Pacific Company . Both of these companies gathered many immigrants, at low pay, to work abundant h ours to construct the railroad.However, better transportation fostered an upgrade on trade within the country and dispersed spic-and-span civilization to the west. The industrial revolution created many social problems. Poverty became a growing concern, especially the fact that factory wages were scarcely adequate for family survival . Most residents experienced hunger and destitution. Among the poor, child labor was very common. Most parents forced their children to look for jobs instead of going to school for survival. Southerners often cited these factors as crimes whenever the North challenged its institution of slavery.The Industrial Revolution brought Southern landowners an invention that they adopted and embraced The Cotton Gin. Invented by Eli Whitney, the cotton gin made slavery profitable and made cotton the nations number one merchandise . The South also adopted the steam engine, mainly to aid the cotton gin and to use on steamships to transport cotton. Ironically, the success of the cotton gin, by fostering slavery, helped to separate the two sides of the country and bring most the Civil War.The pace of immigration also stimulated economic growth while increasing differences amid North nd South. Immigrants, mostly from Europe at this time, were supplied with low-cost labor. Most immigrants lived in the North where jobs were unendingly available but had no respect to the workers. The use of standard, interchangeable parts, especially the manufacturing of guns, clocks, and sewing machines , allowed the nation to advance technologically by using unskilled workers. During the Civil War, with Southern representatives of Congress gone and the Republican ships company controlling the house of Congress and the presidency, the government set about to aid business and technology.In 1862, the Department of Agriculture was founded. It provided a national center to coordinate agricultural development and promote scientific farming. A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently half-slave and half-free. This quotation was from Abraham capital of Nebraska in 1858. Abraham Lincoln did not want the North and South to separate but for the Industry to grow bigger . In the first part of the quotation, A house divided against itself cannot stand, portrays that the linked States inescapably to be UNITED not divided.A house needs to stand tall and not let anything else break it down. It is true that the government cannot endue permanently half-slave and half-free because this needs to be a united country not a haft this haft that country. Lincoln convinced others that the United States could not be this way. It had to bet glued together again and it had to abolish anything that was not right. However, throughout time, The Divided States of America was soon becoming the United States of America.After Lincolns death, three amendments were ratified that help America put back to place. The 13t h amendment concluded that slavery was officially abolished . The 14th amendment granted all persons born or change in the United States, to be citizens which included former slaves that were freed . The 15th amendment granted African Americans the right to suffrage . These three amendment helped bit by bit to repair the United States. Even though today there is still a difference in the North and South, our nation will continuously be together.The United States grew tremendously during the Industrial Revolution. Inventions were made, transportation was spread out, new jobs were increasing and more knowledge was diffusing. Throughout time, our population was growing and our nation got to spread out to the west to expand our land and culture. Even though our presidents whitethorn have made mistakes, we get to learn what we have done wrong and use that in our future. Our nation may have been divided for awhile but we can always retain it back. Back where it always was, united.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Reducing Aggregate Technical and Commercial Losses in the Power Sector
____________________________________________________________________________1.1 Introduction baron Sector is considered to be really of merchandise and precedence sector as it leads to overall development of put up. The cost of installing of new bring forthing units is lifting wherefore generated galvanising energy has to be utilized c atomic number 18fully and expeditiously. One unit of electrical energy saved is tantamount to two unit s electric energy generated.Ministry of Power, Govt. of India, has launched the Restructured Accelerated Power Development and Reforms architectural plan ( R-APDRP ) in the XI Five twelvemonth Plan. Power Finance Corporation Limited ( PFCL ) has been designated by GoIas the Nodal spot for the programme.The programme spans from informations acquisition at distribution story till monitoring of consequences of stairss taken to supply an IT gumption and strengthening of the Electricity Distribution administration crosswise the Country infra the coder. The aim of the coder is falling off of AT & A C losingss to 15 % in undertaking countries. The plan is divided into two ( 2 ) separate Part-A and Part-B. Part-A will entangle undertakings for constitution of baseline informations and IT applications like Meter Data Acquisition, Meter Reading, Billing, Collections, GIS, MIS, nix Audit, New Connection, Disconnection, Customer Cargon Services, Web self service, etc. to acquire verified baseline AT & A C losingss every here and now good as SCADA/DMS Implementation. Part-B will admit distribution holler out uping undertakings.The aim of cut downing Aggregate Technical and Commercial ( AT & A C ) losingss in the undertaking country can be achieved by stop uping pilferage points, supply of quality power, faster cognomen of mistakes & A early Restoration of power, pro per metering, strategic arrangement of capacitance Bankss & A switches, proper proviso and design of distribution net. The substantial clip monitori ng & A stop of the distribution corpse by dint of state-of-the art SCADA/DMS organization embracing all distribution Sub-stations & A 11 KV weather vane would hang in acquireing this aim of R-APDRP. For deducing maximal benefits it is indispensable that necessary up-gradation of distribution S/S & A 11KV net shall be carried out to run into the SCADA/DMS demands. The augmentation /up-gradation of the distribution electronic network for existent clip supervising & A control chiefly requires reconcileed compatibility of circuit leadgeman & A switches, arrangement of RMUs and FPIs etc for effectual monitoring & A command.This augmentation/up step shall be considered under Part B of R-APDRP strategy. However, sing the growing & A related web up-gradation, the full fledged SCADA/DMS shall be capable to run into the posture every bit good as future demands of the eligible towns for SCADA/DMS system under Part A of R-APDRP. The SCADA/DMS musical arrangement will supply veridical clip monitoring & A control, injury minimization/load reconciliation and considerable betterment in voltage/VAR profiles. It would excessively ease proper handling of tonss while burden casting & A Restoration, efficient provision of web for future growing by utilizing proved power system planning tools. All package applications & A RTUs/FRTUs including system size demands for the same shall be considered in the SCADA/DMS system universe procured under.Part A of R-APDRP. As per present R-APDRP guidelines, SCADA/DMS system will include urban countries towns and metropoliss with tribe of much than 4, 00,000 & A 350MUs one-year input energy or based on any other standards as informed by Nodal Agency from clip to clip. The figure of such possible towns is presently 70 ( 70 ) about.In order to guarantee quality in execution procedure, SCADA/DMS Implementation Agencies ( SIA ) & A SCADA/DMS Consultants ( SDC ) meet been empanelled by PFC/MOP. PFCL have prepared a a bstractive account Request For Proposal ( RFP ) including this volume incorporating theoretical account proficient condition ( MTS ) for SCADA/DMS system. emolument/ State shall utilize this theoretical account proficient specification MTS /RFP to custom-make in line with public-service corporation demands. The customization shall non amount to any divergence, alteration of purpose w.r.t MTS/RFP. However, Utility /state shall inform about the deviations/ alterations made by them w.r.t the MTS/RFP with justification to PFCL/MOP & A obtain blessing sooner ask foring empanelled SIAs to offer.The size of the programme is to the melody of Rs. 500 billion. The programme consists of Part-A ( to the melody of around Rs. 10,000 crore ) covering cultivation Technology application every bit good as SCADA/DMS Implementation, in the electricity distribution system and Part B ( to the melody of around Rs. 40,000 crore ) covering the System strengthening, Improvement and augmentation of distr ibution system capacity. two parts entail planning of step to be taken under the programme, execution of such steps to be taken and monitoring/evaluation of results/impact of the programme as a whole and of itsvarious constituents across the Country. The focal point of the programme shall be on existent, incontrovertible public presentation in footings of loss decrease. Constitution of dependable and machine-controlled systems for existent clip monitoring & A control of urban power distribution web implying 33 kilovolt to 11kV web. Under R-APDRP plan, SCADA/DMS system will cover urban countries towns and metropoliss with population of more than 4, 00,000 & A 350MUs one-year input energy as per the present R-APDRP Guidelines of GoI. Towns/areas for which undertakings have been sanctioned in X Plan APDRP shall be considered for the XI Plan merely after either completion or short closing of the earlier canonic undertakings. Undertakings under the strategy shall be taken up in Two Partss. Part-A shall include the undertakings for constitution of baseline informations and IT applications for energy accounting/auditing & A IT based consumer service centres and SCADA /DMS Implementation. Part-B shall include regular distribution beef uping undertakings. The activities to be covered under each portion are as followsPart A Preparation of Base-line Data System for the undertaking country covering Consumer Indexing, GIS Mapping, Automatic Metering ( AMR ) on Distribution Transformers and Feeders, and Automatic Data Logging for all Distribution Transformers & A Feeders and SCADA / DMS system for large metropoliss merely. It would include Asset Mapping of the full distribution web at and below the 11kVtransformers and include the Distribution Transformers and Feeders, unhopeful Tension lines, poles and other distribution web equipment. It will besides include acceptance of IT applications for metre reading, barroom aggregation energy accounting & A scrutinizing MIS redressal of consumer grudges and constitution of IT enabled consumer service Centre etc.Part B Renovation, modernisation and strengthening of 11 kilovolts flat Substations, Transformers/Transformer Centre, Re-conductoring of lines at11kV degree and below, Load Bifurcation, Feeder segregation, Load Balancing, Aerial Bunched Conductoring in thickly populated countries, HVDS, installing of capacitance Bankss and nomadic service Centre etc. In transcendent instances, where sub-transmission system is weak, beef uping at 33 kilovolt or 66 kilovolt degrees may besides be considered.1.2 subsisting SystemUtility shall include compose up about their existing geographical inner(a) informations ( dad ( 2001 nose count ) , one-year energy in MUs, sqkm, administration apparatus, hierarchy, no. of substations, DT, RMU, electrical web etc of the undertaking country. Utility shall supply inside informations electrical system considered / act under portion B of R-APDRP strategy for enabling SCADA/DMS execution. Utility shall besides name all bing substructure / bequest systems viz SCADA/DMS, RTU, FRTU, MFTs, IT system under R-APDRP viz. charge, client anxiety, GIS etc that are required to be integrated with this system. Utility shall supply inside informations of Existing Legacy systems SCADA/DMS, RTU/FRTU, IT system under R-APDRP for integrating including protocol execution profiles, interface inside informations etc. Utility shall give constellation diagram & A proficient write up of IT data Centre, client attention Centre DR Centre, bomber div, other offices under R-APDRP. Utility shall supply inside informations electrical system consideredcommitted under portion B of R-APDRP strategy for enabling SCADA/DMS execution. Utility shall advert inside informations of bing communicating, power supply, building substructure for SCADA/DMS system Utility shall guarantee the informations mentioned above is true & A harmonizing to approved DPR for the undertaking country.F ig-1 computer architecture of SCADA promise centre1.3 Generic system architectureThe purpose of this specification is to set up ( I ) SCADA/DMS System along with RTUs/FRTUs ( I ) Associated Auxiliary Power Supply System ( three ) parley System ( four ) integrating with IT system under R-APDRP or any bequest system. The functional inside informations are given in several chapters of the specification.1.4 CASE STUDYSCADA has been developing a concern instance in the lead the effort of automation of the Distribution system are discussed here. An effort is made to demo how incremental and alterations in the system could convey in big betterments in footings of response clip of the Network Studies for Primary and utility(prenominal) distribution Network at 33/11 KV COMPLEX Sub-staion, near the Network Shakti bhavan Jabalpur, under the Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitran Company ( MPPKVVCL ) and I was associated with this surveyFollowing stairss are covered in the instance survey supervise the power system.Making accommodations and keeping the system so that it can be used faithfully, expeditiously, and safelyRepairing the system every bit rapidly as possible in response to incidents such as equipment mistakesTracking and keeping system dependability informations System planning and enlargement to function new clients.Decision summarises the result of this survey.Fig 2Sub-Station Automation in SCADAEquipmentExisting After Part-B execution33/11 kv sub-station3733 kilovolts feeder4033/11KV Power Transformer5811 Kv feeder14511 kilovolt shunt Capacitor211 kilovolt Bus coupling16Tabel -1.1Sub-Station Automation in SCADAChapter 2LITERATURE REVIEW __________________________________________________________________2.1 Review 1Research musical composition on Communication Protocols in Substation Automation and SCADA Art Review, -by Arash Shoarinejad, ( System Engineer GE Energy Network Reliability Products and Services-Canada. ) This paper presents an overview of T Protocols as a important portion of the system are explored in deepness. In add-on, ordinarily used protocols and criterions are mentioned briefly IEC 61850 and UCA have assuring advantages over other protocols and will greatly alter SCADA systems today The protocols determine the effectivity of a SCADA system. Therefore, many protocols have been produced over the old ages to suit this demand. IEC 61850 with its self-description and security sweetenings has the most promising mentality in the protocol hereafter. It is a work-in-progress which should finally rule the electrical industry.2.2 Review 2Compartmentalization of Protocols in SCADA Communication by- Dong-joo Kang and Rosslin John.Hongik University, Korea Department of Multimedia Engineering, Hannam University Ojeong-dong, Daeduk-gu, Daejeon, Korea supranational diary of Advanced erudition and Technology Volume 8, July, 2009 mentioned In communicating, protocols are needed to be implemented to avoid some jobs. In the current provin ce of SCADA communicating, two protocols are widely used, the T101 or IEC 60870-5-101 ( IEC101 ) and the DNP3 ( Distributed Network Protocol ) . In this paper, we present each protocol and discourse the specifications of T101 and DNP3. This can assist SCADA operators to choose which protocol is suited for the operations of their SCADA systems. IEC 60870-5-101/104 and DNP3 have fundamentally the same functionality, As discussed, DNP3 is popular in America. Since DNP3 and T101 are unfastened Standards, SCADA operators should supervise the development, and do parts when appropriate, to T101 and DNP3. They should besides prosecute the developers to include security characteristics on the protocols. SCADA communicating. In the hereafter we are be aftering to see and include other SCADA protocols.2.3 Review 3Review of Remote Terminal Unit ( RTU ) and Gateways for Digital Oilfield delpoyments( ByAyobami Ogunrinde SPDC Nigeria)Writer has described Francis Enejo Idachaba Department of elect ric and Information Engineering Covenant University Ota. Ogun province Nigeria ( SPDC Nigeria( IJACSA ) International Journal of Advanced Computer acquaintance and Applications, Vol. 3, No. 8, 2012The increasing diminution in easy oil has led to an increasing demand for the optimisation of oil and gas procedures. Digital oilfields utilize distant operations to accomplish these optimisation ends and the distant telemetry unit and gateways are really critical in the realisation of this aim. This paper presents a reappraisal of the RTUs and gateways utilized in digital oilfield architectures. It presents a reappraisal of the architecture, their functionality and choice standards. It besides provides a equivalence of the specifications of some popular RTUs.2.4 Review 4Project Management Phases of a SCADA System for Automation of Electrical Distribution Networks ( By- Mohamed Najeh Lakhoua and Mohamed Kamel Jbira ) Laboratory of Analysis and Command of Systems ( LACS ) , National Engin eering School of BP 37, Le Belvedere 1002, Tunisia ( IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 9, Issue 2, No 2, March 2012 ) Writer has described SCADA ( Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition ) systems, to show the undertaking direction stages of SCADA for existent clip execution. Most control actions are performed automatically by RTUs. Host control maps are normally restricted to basic overruling or supervisory degree intercession A proposed computing machine based power distribution mechanization system is so discussed. Finally, some undertakings SCADA system execution in electrical companies over the universe is briefly presentedusing computing machine based system for sustainable development in the mechanization of the power distribution web to better the customers service and the dependability of the web.2.5 Review 5Design and Implementation of SCADA System Based Power Distribution for Primary Substation ( Control System ) ( By- Khin Thu Zar Win 1, Hla Myo TunDepartment of Electronic Engineering, Mandalay Technological University Mandalay, MyanmarInternational Journal of Electronics and Computer Science EngineeringThey are automated control system, interfacing units, monitoring system and networking system. The automated control system is emphasisedin this research. This system can be accomplished by utilizing PLC ladder diagram. This automated distribution system is analyze to develop a secure, reliabe and convenient direction tool which can utilize distant terminal units ( RTUs ) . This system is efficient and dependable for conventional electrical distribution system in Myanmar by utilizing SCADA based engineering. proposed a theoretical account that illuminates the classs of informations, functionality, and inter dependences present in a SCADA system. The theoretical account serves as a foundation for farther research on how to outdo apply proficient security controls to SCADA systems in a manner that is consistent with the o peration and mission of that system. SCADA system is one of the most of import bequest systems of the wise(p) grid systems. PLC based control system to implement the SCADA system for Power Distribution system has been developed.3.6 Review-6 running(a) stages of SCADA system for power distribustion websBy-Shalini, Sunil Kumar J, Birtukan Teshome, Samrawit Bitewlgn Muluneh, Bitseat Tadesse Aragaw Assistant professor, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Adi para sakthi College of Engineering, Tamilnadu, India International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation EngineeringVol. 2, Issue 5, May 2013Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition ) systems, to show the undertaking direction stages of SCADA for existent clip execution, and so to demo the demand of the mechanization for Power Distribution Companies ( PDC ) on their distribution webs and the immenseness of utilizing computing machine based system towards sustainable development of their services. M ost control actions are performed automatically by RTUs. Host control maps are normally restricted to basic coveriding or supervisory degree intercession A proposed computing machine based power distribution mechanization system is so discussed we proved the importance on utilizing computing machine based system for sustainable development in the mechanization of the power distribution web to better the clients service and the dependability of the web. Besides the paper outlines the ecumenical constructs and needed equipments for the mechanization of such power webs. Some undertakings of SCADA system execution in electrical companies over the universe have been presented.
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