Wednesday, July 31, 2019

El Salvador A Country Report Essay

Introduction El Salvador or the Savior as the name can be translated is a very unexpectedly unique country. El Salvador is a country of many great geographical sites, a strange history, a blackened economic state, and an incredible agricultural base. The country has undergone many changes throughout its history. It was developed, owned, and operated by many different people and forms of government. This ?land of volcanoes? or ?the Savior? has been needed saving of its own for quite some time. 2.0 Geography The nickname for this environmentally hazardous country, ?land of volcanoes? serves El Salvador properly. El Salvador is the smallest of all Central American countries having a land area of only 21,041 sq. km ( The country is also the only in Central America not to occupy more than one sea border, being only found on the Pacific Ocean. El Salvador is contained not only by the Pacific Ocean, but also by the two neighbor countries of Honduras and Guatemala. El Salvador is known more for it?s two mountain ranges both running east to west. The northern most range known as Sierra Madre that draws the border between El Salvador and Honduras. The southern range is a formation of many continuous volcanoes both active and silent. These volcanoes supply El Salvador with its rich soil making it possible for the great exportation of coffee. Climate change in El Salvador occurs more due to elevation variations than by seasonal change. During a calendar year Salvadorians can expect only a four-degree Celsius change due to seasons. The greater change in temperature occurs due to the different elevations. The two mountain ranges help very the climate and land usage of the country. El Salvador consists of a narrow coastal plain, two steep mountain ranges and a central plateau, which is at 600m above sea level. This plateau is only 25% of the landmass in El Salvador; however, it contains the majority of the countries population. Due to over exploitation the country has become semi-barren, and less of the land is of use. El Salvador is a very geographical diverse country. It possesses the same geographical features of the U.S., but all in the same land area as Rhode  Island. The country has become very over populated and has begun to exhaust its resources. 3.0 Pre-Columbian Cultures Before Spain sent men to explore and claim the countries of Central America native people occupied the land. These people where known as the Pipil. However, it is believed, due to archeological assessments that even before the Pipil natives of Central America known as the Mayas and Olmec occupied the land. The Mayas and Olmecs were believed to occupy the land until the 11th Century when the Pipil appeared following the collapse of the Mayan empire. The Pipil people were of a very strong and fierce origin. They were very good farmers and lived mostly on Maize. The Pipil had many small urban centers and a very integrated linked society. The Pipil people lived in their land for over 500 years. After that time Spain was introduced to their country and soon their freedom was lost. 4.0 Conquest Spain had come to Central America seeking wealth, and any landmass that could have that quality they would conquer and claim for the crown. Pedro de Alvarado a conquistador and Lieutenant under Hernan Cortes entered El Salvador in 1524 to conquer the land. However, due to the fierceness of the Pipil people Spain had to return in 1525 and again in 1528 to finally lay claim to the country. Spain found little wealth in the substance of gold and other valuable metals in El Salvador; however, they learned how great a benefit the rich soil of the volcanic country could be to agriculture. Spain soon after their conquest enslaved the Pipil people and forced them into an encomienda system of farming. The encomienda system soon lost favor with the crown and was replaced with repartiemento. Spain developed the country with this system and produced a great deal of wealth during the 17th century in agriculture. 5.0 Agriculture Agriculture is the foundation that El Salvador has been built upon throughout its entire history. Whether it was the Pipil people utilizing the rich soil or Spain controlling the land much wealth was  obtained in the country. 5.01 Indigenous The Pipil people lived as farmers and hunters in the country before any intruders appeared. They sustained their lives on crops such as maize, bananas, and other tropical foods. They traded these crops among one another and were able to be self-sufficient for many years. After the entrance of Spain to the country the natives were forced to work as slaves for the betterment of others. Spain introduced products such as coffee, cotton, and indigo to El Salvador. They found that the rich soil could produce coffee greater than any other country they had conquered prior to El Salvador. During the 17th century agriculture boomed in El Salvador, gluttony filled Spain with the wealth from coffee and thus began the downfall of the Salvadorian economy. 5.02 Present El Salvador produced many types of crops throughout its history such as henequen and cotton, but the country always centered itself on coffee production. Today, El Salvador produces far more coffee than any other crop in the country. Amid the 20th century, 95% of the countries income came from the exportation of coffee. This income was distributed over only 14 families (roughly 2% of population) whose influence has been seen over the countries history (Class Handout). In this way El Salvador takes on many similar traits of other Central American countries. 6.0 Independence Spain occupied the country for nearly 300 years throughout which they enslaved and persecuted the native people of El Salvador. Land control was only a dream in the eyes of the former owners. The influence of the Roman Catholic Church soon brought hopes of a revolution to the Indian people of El Salvador. In 1811 Father Jose Matias Delgado, a catholic priest led a revolt against Spain; however, with the great power of the crown against them it did not prove successful. Meanwhile in Spain, Napoleon led an invasion into the country reverting attention away from Central America and allowing El Salvador to eventually gain a limited amount of independence in 1821. Even though independence was given to the Salvadorian during this time, people land control still  remained in the hands of few. This led to an Indian rebellion in 1833 brought about by a mestizo, Anastasio Aquino. Eventually in 1841, El Salvador found its independence by the introduction of the Central American Federation. This was an alliance against Spain of neighboring Central American countries seeking their independence. Thus began the history of El Salvador, which led to many civil wars, conflicts, and disputes among other countries and itself. 7.0 Economics in El Salvador El Salvador has seen many changes throughout its history, both politically and economically. El Salvador has followed the majority of Central American countries by making itself a dependent on one or two exportable goods. The country has also faced many conflicts in politics and environmental hazards. El Salvador?s economy has inevitably been destined for the worse by the countries governing order. 7.01 Colonial Before the invasion of the conquistadors into the country the Pipil lived a pleasant and peaceful life of trade. The Pipil obtained many small urban centers in which trade among them proved successful. They did not have a monetary unit but rather bartered for what they desired. They lived a self-sufficient life only producing their needs. The Pipil people may have evolved and become a worthy heritage in the world if they had not been conquered by the conquistadors of Spain. 7.02 Early (1820-1920) Soon El Salvador and the rich soil of the land were under Spanish control. Spain found great profit in the enrichment of the land. Coffee, indigo, and cotton yielded greater than they had seen prior to conquest. Spain felt that this was equal to the gold and other values found in the countries surrounding El Salvador. During the 17th century the agriculture of El Salvador was of great wealth, and Spain indulged upon it. The Spaniards developed many haciendas to expand their crops this involved many Indian people to subdue to the work needed. The first evidence of primate cities developed during this time. This would sooner lead to an unexpected need for imported goods and a profound lack of self-efficiency. 7.03 Mid (1920-1980) During and after El Salvador?s independence the country  found itself depending console upon the growth of the coffee crop. 95% of the countries exports depended upon coffee, but still only 2% of the population controlled the wealth (Lonely Planet). The Salvadorians exhausted themselves upon focusing on this item and developed no other means of exportation. Amid the first and second world wars Central America was abandoned by the rest of the world and forced to find a way to survive among themselves. This brought upon industrialization to the forgotten world, and El Salvador attempted to follow the plan. The country produced only the essential items for survival, and chose rather to fight civilly for control of the country. El Salvador faced many disputes during this time, and many forms of leadership. Democracies, civil wars, peasant uprisings, and Military Coups were among the problems that the country faced. It was only during the later years of the countries history that true leadership was developed, and a greater economic scheme was gained. 7.04 1980-Present Primate cities have know become a large part of Salvadorian economy. These few and large cities have been growing without any means of renewal. The country finds itself now separated by wealth and poverty. The fourteen families mentioned before were still controlling the majority of the coffee production and with no found wealth in industrialization El Salvador was growing in debt. The national debt of El Salvador has only grown over the countries history. This is from the foreign aid supplied to the country to help with recovery of natural disasters, and in the form of military aid. Due to El Salvador?s placement in the world it has been faced by many environmental hazards. Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and landslides due to extreme rainfall give threat to this debt. Also in 1998 El Salvador fell victim to hurricane Mitch. Mitch destroyed not only many of the profitable livestock and agricultural farms of Central America, but also devastated many lives of the people living in its path. El Salvador lost 95% of its banana crop and one third of the countries beef cattle industry (Class Handout). This crushed the already terrible state of the Salvadorian economy and only added to the  increasing national debt. Some current facts in the economic stability of El Salvador can be seen in the following. The currency of the country is known as the collone. Eleven collones is roughly equivalent to one U.S. dollar. The exportation of goods to the U.S. each year equals $732 million. Where as the importation of goods from the U.S. each year equals $1.789 billion dollars. The GDP of El Salvador is $5.9 billion U.S. each year. This is only $1,003 U.S. per capita. The growth rate of the GDP is currently at 5.0%, and has been continuously increasing. However, even with the GDP on an upswing for El Salvador the debt to the U.S. has also increased to $2.1 billion U.S ( These numbers show that with El Salvador?s population, and the amount of GDP to the country that few people have great wealth and even more are in poverty. 8.0 Population El Salvador is a very densely populated country. The majority of the people in El Salvador live in only 25% of the total land mass known as the central plateau. The total population is over 6.2 million with a growth rate of 2.3% ( This population will be doubled in 30 years. Due to the growth rate percent the country is caught between the second and third categories in the demographic chart, but primarily they still are evolving in the second. With this great a number of people in such a small area poverty is unavoidable. 8.01 Urbanization Urbanization has not been a large issue with El Salvador. Although some of their large primate cities carry a large percent of the population, such as San Salvador the capital that holds 1.5 million people, many people chose to stay in rural areas. The ratio of the urban population to rural population is 3:2. This ratio could be explained due to the need for agricultural revenue, and the need for people to create that revenue. With the extent of the over population of El Salvador many people have been forced to find other means of income and a safer home. 8.02 Migration Over population and greed have created poverty in El Salvador and a need for new revenue. This is why much of the income from the country  consists of wages paid from the United States to migrant workers fleeing from El Salvador. $1.3 billion U.S. was sent to families of these seasonal migrant workers in El Salvador. This allows those living in El Salvador to find a little hope in their country and a means of better living. During, much of the time of the civil wars and poverty states of El Salvador many of the countries people began to migrate to Honduras. This appeared to be allowed at first until a wide spread amount of migration occurred. The great amount of people fleeing to Honduras soon became a problem and great tension rose between the two neighboring countries. This accounted for the great soccer riot in 1969 brought upon through allegations that were made about mistreatment of Salvadorian people by the Honduras population. 9.0 U.S. Intervention The United States has always been concerned with the matters of other countries, particularly by the form of the government. When it became obvious that El Salvador may fall into left wing ideals to help with the poverty level in the country the U.S. reacted. It was during the Carter administration that this occurred and Jimmy?s solution was to fund right-wing guerillas in the country. These guerillas were know as the FMLN (Frente Marti Liberacion Nacional) named after an executed leader who brought reforms to the country and a democracy in the early to mid 20th century. Carter soon withdrew his funding after hearing of misuse of the military power by the FMLN. The FMLN became mongers and began to hurt innocent people and become closer in comparison to their socialist enemy. With a suspension of the funding the country fell back into turmoil and was once again caught in left-wing ideals. It was during the Reagan administration that the funding returned with close watch. Soon the guerillas were able to gain control, and force what was to be marked the first time in 50 years that a democratically elected president was named. This man was Alfredo Magana, and he brought some control and leadership to this war shaken country (Encyc. Of Latin-American Hist.). The U.S. has also been involved with El Salvador in other ways. The U.S. is the number one importer of Salvadorian goods mainly coffee. Also due to the great devastation in the country by natural disasters the U.S. has given  foreign aid to help rebuild the economy and lives of the people. If El Salvador can maintain this relationship with the U.S. the countries future is bound to look better than it?s past. 10.0 Globalization The world is a growing economical structure that every country wants to be a part of, and with growing concern about each countries role a hope for globalization can be seen. El Salvador is attempting to do its part in becoming a companion with globalization, during the end of the 20th century the maquiladora system was approached by El Salvador. These small manufacturing companies account for a major part of the countries GDP. These companies are also followed by new trade reforms with other neighboring countries. Trade with U.S. has only improved over the last few years. If El Salvador keeps improving on the relations with its neighboring countries then it may be a substantial part of the world economy. 11.0 Other Facts and Conclusion In conclusion, here are some other known facts about the country of El Salvador. In January of 2001 El Salvador faced a devastating earthquake. The quake caused 250,000 Salvadorians to become homeless, and also severely eroded the landscape (Lonely Some of the native animals of the country consist of many butterflies, deer, toucans, and monkeys. The adult literacy of the country is at 73% and growing ( 86% of the country follows the Roman Catholic religion. The ethnic background of the country is mainly mestizo, which is a mixture of Indian, white, and black (Latin America). Some of the favorite foods consist of casamiento (rice and beans) and pupusas, which is a stuffed wrap. El Salvador is a very unique country that wishes to find its niche in the world. Through much turmoil and disputes the country has for now maintained a solid government. With the continuation of good soil and less erosion the agricultural state of the country will continue to prosper. However, with increasing population the country suffers a loss in GDP, and will only gain a profitable state with better living, less poverty, and other means of income. El Salvador ?the Savior? a country whose history speaks for itself will need outside aid for some years to come. Selected Illustrations El Salvador?s Flag The Country of El Salvador Henequin also a Salvadorian Crop Example of El Salvador?s Terran San Salvador the Capital of El Salvador

Exploring Love and Loss Essay

Guiding Question: How can we compare and explore the themes of love and loss within 4 poems of our choice? This essay will be based upon the four poems â€Å"First Love† by John Clare, â€Å"Remember† by Christina Rossetti, â€Å"When We Two Parted† by Lord Byron and â€Å"A Woman to Her Lover† by Christina Walsh. The themes of love and loss will be explored and compared in this essay, and we will be shown how the authors use of language, structure, and form in each poem, can be shown to portray their ideas, regarding love and loss. â€Å"First Love†, â€Å"Remember† and â€Å"When We Two Parted† have a fixed rhyme – (ABAB rhyme). However, â€Å"A Woman to Her Lover† has free verse structure (no iambic pentameter) which was used to develop the idea of freedom because the poem is about â€Å"real love† and freedom. It is the only poem of the four that doesn’t stick to any rhythm, maybe this is because the author wanted to capture the reader’s attention? A good example of this is when Christina Walsh says â€Å"O husband, I am yours forever and our co-equal love will make the stars to laugh with joy. † This is one way that Christina shows freedom in her poetry. â€Å"Remember† has a patriarchal sonnet, which is where the first eight lines discuss a particular idea of loss, and the last six lines offer a resolution/conclusion of that idea. â€Å"When We Two Parted† has a blank verse and uses an iambic pentameter. An example of an iambic pentameter in â€Å"When We Two Parted† is â€Å"Half broken-hearted, to sever for years. † This shows ten syllables, and with every other being stressed, it creates intensity and a certain amount of seriousness. In these two poems, â€Å"First Love† and â€Å"A Woman to Her Lover†, the authors try their best to represent the nature of love. In reading â€Å"First Love†, john Clare gives out a clear message to the readers: How it feels when we fall in love for the first time. He expresses falling in love as something magical. He describes how his legs â€Å"refused to walk away†, in other words meaning he was totally wrapped up in love and so mesmerized by her beauty that he did not actually want to walk away. â€Å"A Woman to Her Lover† is unusual. The poem represents love, but it is as If Christina Walsh doesn’t want to be possessed or worshipped, but respected instead. She thinks love means equal partnership; for example sharing things. It is not love if she does everything for her partner – â€Å"No servant will I be if that be what you ask. O lover I refuse you! † â€Å"When We Two Parted† and â€Å"Remember† both express love in different ways. â€Å"When We Two Parted† shows that you do not know what you have until you lose it. Lord Byron had many affairs and therefore when he found out that his mistress was dying, he could not openly grieve because nobody knew that they were lovers. When he found out about his mistress dying, he felt sad and depressed, but all the same felt trapped, because he could not express himself. This sadness and depression made it so hard for Byron to express his feelings, because maybe it caused her love for him to die. These four poems also represent loss in some ways. â€Å"When We Two Parted† and â€Å"Remember† are very similar. Both poems give a different kind of message to their lovers but have one thing in common – the loss of a good, strong relationship. Byron is portraying that his mistress dumped him and now he does not know how to deal with it because he is married and is having an affair. He cannot openly talk about how he feels as his affair was a secret. He also writes â€Å"A knell to mine ear† in the third stanza. This is explaining that if he hears her name, it would be like a death bell in his ears. This poem also shows love deteriorating. Christina Rossetti on the other hand, is explaining to her lover how she is dying slowly, and to move on and be happy. The first line â€Å"†¦ REMEMBER me when I am gone away† clearly tells us that this is poem is about loss and possibly death. She talks about separating from a loved one – possibly her husband – but it is not clear because in the second line she says that she will go â€Å"far away into a silent land. † This again could represent heaven – the fact that she is dying, or that she is just simply fed up of her relationship and wants to get away from everything, including love. â€Å"First Love† is the only poem out of these four that hardly represents loss (in the sense of never being to experience first love once again). It shows that he has lost his heart to her and is blinded by love. This can particularly be expressed when John Clare writes â€Å"and then my blood rushed to my face and took my eyesight quite away,† and â€Å"I could not see a single thing. † This shows that through his eyes, all he can see is her, and love, and he is overwhelmed by the feeling. However, â€Å"A Woman to Her Lover† represents loss because Christina Walsh’s partner is losing out on getting her. We can see this in the first three stanzas where Christina is refusing her lover and wants to be independent. Focusing on the first two stanzas mainly, there is evidence of Christina refusing her lover; â€Å"O lover I refuse you! † (First stanza) and â€Å"Fool, I refuse you! † (Second stanza), this shows that Rossetti may perhaps be trying to express loss, but the loss of which is derived from love. This is how the poems share a link, they are on the basis of love, but some waver off into loss. These four poems show different aspects of imagery. â€Å"First Love† uses natural imagery – for example â€Å"trees†, â€Å"flowers† and â€Å"snow† to create a positive mood, but â€Å"Remember† creates a dark and depressive mood, which we can clearly see from her style of language and tone, which is morbid. We can see this when Rossetti says â€Å"†¦ REMEMBER me when I am gone away, gone far away into the silent land, when you can no more hold me by the hand, nor I half turn to go yet turning stay. † The rhyme is also important here because it increases the fluency. â€Å"When We Two Parted† also creates a dull and depressive atmosphere because we can see from the title that the relationship is over and that there is bound to be grief from both lovers. Finally, â€Å"A Woman to Her Lover† expresses imagery that causes tension, as the last stanza has a turning point explaining how Christina Walsh will be with her husband forever, whereas in other stanzas she refuses her lover as mentioned above. To explore love and loss, and portray to the reader how they are felt, each writer uses a different mix of literary techniques. Similes can be very effective in comparing human emotions to items that the author can relate to. In â€Å"First Love,† One example of how John Clare uses similes is when he describes and compares his first love’s beauty to flowers – â€Å"Her face it bloomed like a sweet flower. † Clare also uses a hyperbole; â€Å"And then my blood rushed to my face and took my eyesight quite away. † This is known as a hyperbole (an exaggeration) because he isn’t literally blind, he has just lost his heart to a woman, and this highlights the phrase: love is blind, which is often heard these days. Clare was so caught up in love that he could not see anything else. He uses personification when saying â€Å"Are flowers the winters choice? † He is saying that he has never felt these feelings before, and is comparing love to snow because snow is beautiful. It was easy to picture the scene of the poems because it sounded sensible, and is backed up by a clear use of emotive language and imagery. Some things such as â€Å"snow† in â€Å"First Love† are unusual, but not unheard of, and so this results in people finding it is easy to paint a mental picture of. The ideas of love and loss in these poems are important as they show us what the speaker felt at the time. It was a personal experience to them, and the imagery they used was very effective because it took a powerful grip on the reader, and the way imagery was used, is something that readers could relate to. The authors made each poem sound as pure as possible through using literary techniques such as: metaphors, similes, hyperboles, adjectives, personification, and natural imagery. These four poems are effective because they explore the idea and theme of love and loss thoroughly enough for the readers to get a general perspective on how love and loss can affect us in everyday life.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Why Children And Young People May Need To Be Looked After Away From Their Families

â€Å"There were over 91,000 looked after children in the UK in 2012. † (www. nspcc. org. uk) in this task I am going to describe why children and young people may need to be looked after away from their families. There are many reasons that children and young people may need to be looked after away from their home, one of those are the child’s or young person’s parents. This may be down to bereavement of the parents meaning that they have died, if the parents have died then the child or young person will go to the closest other family member unless there aren’t any in which case the child or young person would be looked after outside the family.Another reason children are being looked after away from their families is due to abuse. If the parents or guardians are abusing the child or young person in any way then they will be removed from the family home as it’s not safe for them, this comes under the children act (1998, 2004). â€Å"Over half of l ooked after children in England and Wales became looked after because of abuse or neglect in 2011/12. † (www. nspcc. org. uk) Some children or young people may go into temporary foster care due to parental illness, which is when the parent becomes dependant their self and are unable to look aft6er their child.For example if a single parent falls very ill then she/he would be unable to take proper care on their dependent child therefore they would go into a foster care setting where they would be looked after until the parent was again able to care for the child. The child or young person may be looked after away from the family if the parents feel they are incapable of taking care of them and have requested that they be adopted or in a foster family. One example of this is financial difficulty as the parents do not have enough money to care for the child and give it even a reasonable standard of life.Another example of this could be young parents that feel they are too young t hemselves to be able to take care of a child they may request that the child be taken into a more suitable family that will be able to take proper care of it. Also children or young people that have parents who have committed offences may need to be looked after if there is no other family as the parent could go to prison, depending on the offence the child may only be temporarily looked after in a foster family setting then would return to the family home when the parent is released.Although not all reasons that children need to be looked after outside of the family is due to the parents or guardians, some reasons may be due to the child or young person. One of these reasons is a child or young person with disabilities that have complex needs and are unable to be cared for at home as they do not have the right equipment or the money to get it.For example a child in a wheel chair may not be able to be cared for at home as the household they live in is not wheel chair friendly and th e family have not got the funding to move or renovate the house therefore the chid would be looked after outside the family. Another reason due to the child that they are being looked after outside the family is their behaviour. If a child or young person has behavioural problems they may become too much for the parent to handle and need to be looked after outside of the family. An example of this could be a child or young person who is harming he’s/hers family

Monday, July 29, 2019

Employment Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Employment Relations - Essay Example (Taylor & Bain, 2005) In Australia, the legislation change further decentralised employee relations systems to provide employers considerable power in their ability to dismiss employees and to promote individual contracts without the protection of awards and collective agreements. There is an increase at the international level for employers using contractual employees and require longer working hours in their quest of labour flexibility. There is an assumption that labor markets are not purely competitive, and when you compare this assumption to the mainstream economic theory, employers have more negotiating power than employees do. It is also assumed that there are natural conflicts between employers and employees, for example, high profits without increase in wages could cause conflicts hence conflicts are viewed as a vital part of the employment relationship. Since labor markets are seen as imperfect and employment relationships include conflicts of interest, workers cannot depen d on markets or their superiors to protect their rights, and in extreme cases to prevent worker exploitation. Therefore, institutions need support in the endeavor to protect rights of workers. Narrow Focus In many organizations, an issue that arises out of industrial relations is a narrow focus by the employees of the organization. Employees or staff members may view tasks at hand as duties they have to perform to complete their job rather than viewing how the role the employee plays benefits the organization as a whole. Many employees simply see their managers as someone who tells them what to do rather than as a facilitator that can help them achieve their own professional goals as well as bring the company to a point where it achieves the goals of the business. Inflexibility of Employer An inflexible employer stifles the employees’ creativity and when employees feel as if their creativity is being stifled or that their opinions do not matter, it can cause rivalry between t he employees and management of the organization. When creativity is squashed, it causes the company to lack in innovation, which ultimately leads to incompetence of the company in the marketplace. Employers that allow employees to participate in running the company by allowing suggestions and feedback from the employees and even empowering employees to take on more responsibility for the route the business takes, typically enjoys a more successful employment relations environment. Thus, the poor pay package of employees at Rio Tinto and its inflexibility as an employer has adverse effects on its employment relations (Hannan, 2011). Division Another issue that directly relates to employment relations environment is an â€Å"us against them† attitude in terms of Rio Tinto and its employees. Employees have the notion that there is a great segregation between them and the management or their superiors in the workplace. This division between the two groups of a business has caused a lot of issues such as contract negotiation problems, strikes and the required intervention of trade and labor unions. When management and employees can relate and communicate with each other, they easily solve their problems, such as not being able to negotiate work contract

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Managing Financial Resources in Health and Social Care Essay - 1

Managing Financial Resources in Health and Social Care - Essay Example Be very precise and detailed on the demands you want from each stakeholder, link stakeholders’ interest with your aims, and prioritize. In the BUPA report, they work with the government and other organization to aid in aligning the agenda and long-term policies. BUPA Company should involve all the stakeholders for the proper costing to be enhanced. (Baker 2007,pg.125).  Ã‚   The principle of consistency This principle needs the following of a similar procedure and in case of any change then an explanation to the effect is therefore ideal. BUPA Care Homes should ensure that the auditors follow similar steps in the preparation of the financial statements, without this, any change might make correct interpretation of the financial data impossible (Haldane 2011, pg 134). Principle of Transparency This principle states that for effective costing, it requires openness and honesty visibility in all transactions, ensuring that all information on procurement procedures, opportunities , and processes are well outline and publicized. In BUPA Care Homes, transparency is seen when the Directors read out the annual reports and the audited financial statements (Higgins 2004, pg 118). The materiality concept An item is considered material it affects the decision making process of the users. This is the case when the material is not stated correctly or it is omitted. Materiality concept explains that costing considers the tangibility of an item and the processes involved. In BUPA Care Homes, costing should focus on the tangibility that is attached to the residential homes and the health care service. An error that is too minor to affect anyone’s knowledge of the accounts is immaterial. In the accounts preparation, tangibility and intangibility of an item should be considered, so that resources do not go to waste in the pursuit of further detail. This is usually a very subjective exercise (Field 2007, pg. 105). Objectivity: This principle requires that an accounta nt should work with the view of promoting the aims. They should be showing high levels of neutrality while executing their duties. The accountants not be biased in their operations. This therefore means that they should keep of implementing their personal responses and wishes. They should be straightforward and focused to the facts as the case guarantees. BUPA Company should ensure that the accountants prepare detailed financial statements that are simple and easy to analyze. The accountants should therefore adopt and implement neutral grounds during the analysis of the financial data and statements (Armstrong 2004, pg 46). Causality principle: In many costing exercises, it has always been noted that the cost of payment for any event or service has a relationship with its cause. The nature of the cause therefore is used in the appropriate allocation and budgeting. BUPA should use this principle; do costing after doing proper investigation and coming with the correct findings about t he cause of an occurrence so at to reduce the chances of subjectivity. This is almost similar to the principle of the proximate cause in the cannons of insurance that states clearly that for one to be compensated; the risk that has occurred must relate directly with the property insured. In insurance the compensation cost is usually based on the amount of loss and the premiums paid are based on the nature of the property to be insured (Britton 2007, pg 34). Data accuracy principle The cost of an item is always charged after the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

XCOM WK3 CHECKPOINT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

XCOM WK3 CHECKPOINT - Essay Example They are both affordable. There are some differences between these two technologies. Near-Time allows its users to sort out the source of information and create new informal channels. On the other hand, IBM Lotus Connections does not support creating functions and information sorting. These advanced technological tools are practical and beneficial to many workplaces. For my case, these technologies are not very applicable due to the nature of my work. I can therefore easily achieve my work goals without incorporating these technologies. The answer is no. These advanced communication tools are available in the modern type business environment. However, a majority of businesses do not accept and utilize these tools to in their everyday business operation activities. Many businesses could be considering these advanced tools as novel commodities or be afraid of change. Companies may view these collaborative tools as increased costs since the employees might have to spend extra time to master these technologies. They are therefore extra expenses associated with shifting from traditionally business

Friday, July 26, 2019

Gangs in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Gangs in America - Essay Example Being raised in an economically depressed neighborhood can understandably lead youth persons to think that their lives are unimportant and thus want for a sense of identity. The social construction gangs offer provides juveniles with a sense of belonging, a particularly significant need for developing youths. In many neighborhoods, adolescents are actively recruited or are intimidated into becoming gang members and seemingly have little choice. â€Å"A few [teens] are virtually born into gangs as a result of neighborhood traditions and their parents’ earlier and perhaps continuing gang participation or involvement in criminal activity† (Moore, 1978). The gangs offer disenfranchised kids, who are undergoing feelings of isolation, a connection to a family-like atmosphere. Some of these youths are wavering between what they consider as their adopted and native cultures but feel a connection to neither. There are many reasons that youths join and remain loyal to gangs, all of which are complex and possibly incomprehensible to the general public. This discussion will briefly explain why juveniles join gangs then discuss gangs themselves, their motivations, general make-up, characteristics, and trends concerning street gang activity. There are numerous early factors that can lead juveniles to become gang members in addition to what might be the most obvious, living in abusive households. Poverty is another of the more significant factors. According to research conducted by the Children’s Defense Fund, nearly one fifth of all youths live below the poverty line in American cities. â€Å"Poor neighborhoods, especially ‘inner-city war zones’, generally have relatively high crime rates, unsatisfactory schools and unhealthy living conditions. They provide a child with few resources, negatively affect development and increase the chances a child will become violent† (â€Å"Rosado†, 2000, p. 15). Children who are subjected to t wo or more risk factors such as poverty and abuse, have a significantly higher risk factor of participating in criminal behavior and juvenile violence. Inner city ‘battle zones’, which have grown significantly in many of the country’s small to medium-sized towns in addition to the larger urban sections of major cities, are described as those areas in which most youths over 14 years old has attended the funeral of more than one friend, a very distinct definition, one that is difficult for most Americans to fully comprehend. (Garbarino, 1999, p. 40). The usual age range of gang members range from 12 to 24 years old with an average age being 17 to 18 but this average age is usually older in large cities such as Los Angeles and Chicago where gangs have been operated for a long time. (Curry & Decker, 1998). While the numbers of gang members are rising, the average age of gang members is also rising. Gangs are becoming progressively older as their ranks swell in throug hout the country. Predictably, male gang members outnumber females by a large majority, a discrepancy that widens as the aggregate age of the members become older. Gang membership fluctuates in size depending on the kinds of criminal activity associated with that gang. â€Å"Traditional (large, enduring, territorial) gangs average about 180 members, whereas specialty (e.g., drug trafficking) gangs average only about 25 members. In large cities some gangs number in the thousands and even

Thursday, July 25, 2019

How does diversity of employment affect the welfare(income per person) Dissertation - 1

How does diversity of employment affect the welfare(income per person) in cities of America - Dissertation Example It has also been stated that this diversification also tends to reduce unemployment in both times of economic difficulty and normally. Thus diversification may or may not be strongly associated with both economic growth and stability which is the goal of every nation in the world. Diversity of employment also depends upon the level of education and population levels of the area. Though it has often been proven that with diversification comes sustainability but the effects on per capita income are largely unknown which are investigated in this paper. It has also been stated that diversification does not get along well with specialization which is also often associated with high per capita income. Thus a trade off often exists at some points where economic diversity may hinder both stability and growth. (Tran, 2011) This study includes a literature review from various scholars and their studies to analyze whether diversification affects per capita income or not? This theoretical review is followed by an empirical study which uses data from the US government from 30 cities across the United States. Together both these studies try to reach a conclusion whether economic diversity and per capita income are related. References Malizia, E. a. (2003). The Influence of Economic Diversity on Unemployment and Stability.

Introduction and research questions sections Assignment

Introduction and research questions sections - Assignment Example There is a salient need for restaurants to find strategies of presenting such cultural dishes, making them more appealing and acceptable. It is not an easy task for many restaurants who intend to offer traditional delicacies as they were cooked in the previous era (Axtell 15). Most of the cultures do not just consider certain foods as taboos without evidential basis, but rather based on cultural and religious beliefs. In the 21st century, hotels are striving to ensure that customers can learn to enjoy some foods regarded as taboos and enjoy their nutritional values. However, if such foods are served with the traditional labels, identifying them as taboos, customers are less likely to be interested. Restaurants are compelled to engage in rigorous research if they are to identify some of the factors contributing to viewing some foods as taboos. The value of research in any business cannot be underestimated. In the dining industry, the most critical aspect is being able to discern the customer’s preferences. When hoteliers understand the customer preferences, they can improve their services hence ensure customer loyalty. In the specific case of taboo dishes, restaurant owners should consider the presentation of the dish, its name, health benefits, and the effect of peer pressure while determining whether to eat a taboo food. Many of the taboo food present desirable nutritional values. Such foods contain elements that are needed by the body and that can serve to improve an individual’s health immensely. Therefore, it is critical for restaurants to engage in rigorous research to identify the steps that can be taken to make taboo foods acceptable (20). In order to identify the factors that determine the consumption of taboo dishes, it is critical to define research questions that will address different aspects of consumer behavior. The criticality or research questions cannot be overemphasized because they present the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Heat and Temperature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Heat and Temperature - Essay Example Whether the matter is in the form of solid, liquid or gas, it consists of molecules. These molecules are in constant movement bombarding each other like billiard balls. Such characteristic of motion is responsible for the production of heat. However, the amount of heat produce depends on the speed of collision produced by the molecules. The faster the motions of the particles are the higher the thermal energy is enough to change the state of the matter from solid to liquid or to gas. With this, it is inevitable not to relate heat with the kinetic theory of matter. Heat is defined as the transfer of energy from an object with higher temperature to an object with lower temperature (Freeman, 2005). For instance, if you touch a hot iron, you feel the heat as the thermal energy enters your hand because the iron is warmer than your hand. Consequently, if you touch a cold drink, the energy passes out of your hands and into the cold drink. The heat which passes from the hot iron to a colder hand originates in the internal energy of the hot object. The internal energy is the sum of the kinetic energy of the molecules called the molecular energy. The kinetic energy is called the thermal energy. Both kinetic and potential energies of the molecules provide the ultimate source of heat which is only appreciated when there is a difference in the temperature of objects coming in contact together until equilibrium is reached. With this, it is important to note that when one is exposed outside the cold winter, there is a need to wear a coat to slow down the fl ow of the heat from the body. Temperature is the state of coldness and hotness of an object measured with a device called thermometer. The expansion and contraction of the mercury within the thermometer is compared in a scale to measure how much thermal energy is present in certain molecules of an object.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Police work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Police work - Essay Example In addition, the officers have the duty of controlling traffic and executing any other duties as designated by their commanders (Perez, 2011). The process of becoming a police officer varies from one country to the other because the laws of different countries have set different of becoming a police officer. There are four basic requirements to be fulfilled by any person who want to become a police officer. The first requirement is that one must have attained a legal age of 21 years, be a citizen of the United State and have a valid driving licence. Secondly, one must be morally upright. This means that a person who intends to become a police officer should not have been convicted of crime and felonies during his/her teenage life. Therefore, teenagers are urged to shun any form of crime and domestic misdemeanour because it may disqualify them of becoming a police officer. The third step entails having a good credit record. This means that for one to be considered to a position of a police officer one should have clean credit record. This may involve avoiding debts accumulation and paying creditors promptly. It is therefore , vital for a person with a passion of becoming a police officer to have a good credit rating to qualify for a position of a police officer. The forth step involves having a good job experience. This involves having any little experience that may help the recruiters to see that one is responsible person and can be in a position to work both as an individual as well as a team member. The fifth requirement involves being physically feet according to the health standards for all police officers. For example, police officers are expected to have muscle reflex, being able to run short and long g distances as well as being to lift heavy objects. The sixth requirement involves understanding what the work of a police officer is as well as how they should relate with the general public (Northeast Editing,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Analysis Of A Stakeholder Essay Example for Free

Analysis Of A Stakeholder Essay The Stakeholder in which I decided to research and write about is the AMA or to some it may be known as the American Medical Association. This association’s mission is to better public health and promote the art and science of medicine. The AMA was founded in 1847 by a man by the name of Nathan Smith Davis. The group has since invested in the doctor and patient relationship and has promoted scientific advancement as well as improved public health. Mr. Davis was the first editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association back in 1883 until 1888. The first code of medical ethics was adopted by the AMA delegates and they were the ones to establish the first nationwide standards for preliminary medical education as well as the degree of MD’s. This association has become the largest in American history. The AMA continues to serve as an advocate for the profession, physicians, and patients. The AMA focus on three core areas within health care: (1) Improving the outcome of health care, (2) Changing medical education, (3) and by making sure payment models are delivered efficiently as well as enhancing physician satisfaction. Members of the AMA say they plan on setting goals in order to reach these things. ( By doing so they plan to initiate, identify share, and develop patient-physician decision making. Also when it comes to bettering the system the AMA states that they will: (1) Increase productivity, save lives and money, and improve outcomes and health by developing and practicing it’s delivery, (2) Diversify physician services so that it may reflect the levels as well as its service risk by adopting a good payment policy, (3) and allow physicians to select the models that fits the mode of their practices.( After reading and knowing what the AMA stood for and the mission in which they are striving to accomplish made me better understand how they connect with the health care field. Now since we all have a better understanding about the AMA I can focus on the Health Care Reform Act and describe the AMA’s position on it. Here are a few things in which the Health Care Reform Act states. Thirty-two million uninsured Americans will be extended medical coverage. In the year of 2014 small business will be allowed to purchase coverage through a separate exchange. If a child has a preexisting medical condition they will not be denied health insurance coverage. Also in the year of 2014 no health insurance company will be able to deny health coverage to anyone. Parents will be able to carry their children on their health insurance policy until the age of twenty-six. Even if illegal immigrants want/need health insurance coverage and they are willing to purchase it with their own money they will not be allowed to do so with any exchange. In 2009 expansion of insurance coverage was the most contentious issue and the AMA was the most visible organization that represented physicians and their views on this issue. The AMA opposed Medicare expansion and proposed coverage of the uninsured primarily through private means. Many AMA members were in disagreement about this but it seems as if the older physicians supported the AMA’s decision but the younger ones disagreed. Many physicians supported the proposals for health insurance expansion in which the AMA opposed. Even though the AMA is considered the most visible organization that represent physicians, it’s views did not represent the majority of the physicians views on coverage expansion in the most recent reform efforts. The AMA felt as if the reform act did introduce and promise some priority goals which were: (1) extend coverage to uninsured, (2) investing in physician’s workforce, (3) proving long term relief from Medicare flawed physician payment formula, (4) focusing as well as increasing the nation’s preventive care and wellness initiatives, (5) and simplifying administrative burdens for patient and physicians. The AMA states that they will continue to work with Congress as well as Administration pushing for the best outcome for physicians as well as patients. ( They also will continue to eliminate the IPAB (Independent Payment Advisory Board), replace the SGR (Sustainable Growth Rate), and Enact the MLR (Medical Liability Reform). With this being said overall it will take time but the AMA states that it will continue to stand strong and firm about its mission as well as its goals in which they are try to reach for its physicians and the patients.( Even though the disagreed about certain proposals they will continue to fight. References

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Emirates Airlines: Key Performance Indicator Analysis

Emirates Airlines: Key Performance Indicator Analysis In this simulation you chose a sector to operate in (budget, mid-range or luxury). What have you learned about these sectors as a result of your experience in this simulation? What would you have done differently at the beginning of the simulation and why? What would you have done differently to be more successful during the simulation and why? In this sector we operated as Emirates Airlines in mid-range as a view that there is a huge population in the sector and even if circumstances favours even budget and luxury passengers would opt for mid-range. In this sense during the start we sold 3 flights which we had as it doesnt had head room and toilets and leased three flights for the operation. We started 1st quarter selling tickets for 35 cents and its a mistake that we changed to luxury airline selling for 48 cents right after the 1st quarter. As this would have changed our target customer and all the operation should also been changed accordingly. We incurred heavy expenses on Promotion and advertisement which hadnt created any impact. There were complaints from customer for poor food services which we realised and started allocating cost for quality and services. High concentration would have been made on maintenance and market research which is the important factor in competitive industry like Airline. There are certain factors which can be focused and done differently at the beginning of the stimulation: Strategic Approach: we did not have any strategic approach when we started our simulation. And that is the reason we had made unreasonable decisions like shift to luxury and sales of aircraft. if we had a strategic approach we would have sold the flights when there is huge profit and avoided lease payment to be added in the expenses. Also we would have shifted to luxury at least after the 4th quarter when we had a good customer base and market. Hence instead of having a single strategy, it would have been better if we had followed a mixture of strategies in terms of pricing, marketing and services. Systematic Approach: there is no systematic approach at the beginning of the simulation. We blindly sold the flights without ascertaining the financial position and brought new flights during 6th quarter which we wrongly numbered and resulted in the purchase of another 3 flights when the company is already in a loss and thereby realised and sold a flight at 7th quarter. The fuel, flight operation and maintenance cost got drastic increase and because of the increase in the number of passengers we did not suffer huge loss. Hence if we had a systematic approach from the beginning we would have reached a good profit. Pricing: A price cue is defined as any marketing tactic used to persuade customers that prices offer good value compared to competitors prices, past prices or future prices (Rao, 2010: 150); at first we sold the tickets for 35 cents as mid-range airline and suddenly hiked the price to 48cents as luxury airline. We did not have idea about the impact and did not take steps to offer service according rather invested in promotion and advertisement. We realised it as mistake and felt that the pricing is an important factor in attracting customers only during 5th quarter and reduce the price to 40 cents and only after that we were about to increase the number of customer. Hence if the pricing factor has given significant importance on the start of the simulation, the company would have escaped from losses. Actions would have been taken during the stimulation for success: Proper maintenance of aircraft in order to avoid fine from FAA. Good system for customer reservation system to be flexible, fast and user-friendly. Strong investment in market research to enable sales forecast and market situation analysis. Proper training and quality to make the customer feel satisfied and get the luxury in food and other services. Good systematic maintenance of accounts in loan interest repayment, lease payment, depreciation in order to have a clear view of the actual profit. Strategic allocation of expenses on promotion and advertisement, sales forecast and social performance Strategic approach on pricing and increasing the number of sales person according the number of flights operated. What were the KPIs you used in running your airline and did they change? Critically appraise the value of the information you had available to you in the results packs during the simulation. How did you use this to affect your decision making? The below are the Key Performance Indicator we as a team of Emirates Airlines believed at the beginning of the simulation which we tried following throughout the quarters but some were forced to reframe it due to companys situation and response. Thus once an organization has analyzed its mission, identified all its stakeholders and defined its goals, it needs a way to measure progress toward those goals. Key performance indicators are those measurements which help to define and measure progress towards organizational goals (Geoff, 2009: 419) Flight Operation: The important KPI we followed is in terms of flight operation. We believed that achieving 80% of maximum mileage per day would definitely yield a profit. As flights can be flew only with the maximum passenger and also includes the number of flights used. Hence it can achieve all in one KPI. We achieved this until quarter5 reaching 70% in each but it got changed due to purchase of 3 more flights without knowledge which made the company to focus on the reduction of expenses and deviated from the miles operating. Promotional and sales forecast: Emirates Airline team believed that high investment in promotion, advertisement and sales forecast can lead companys success. In terms of sales forecast, our KPI was in a correct way. But in terms of promotion and advertisement we changed and reduced the level of expense as the company started to incur loss. Financial Perspective: we thought revenue is an important factor for an airline company to be successful as there will arise uncertain circumstances due to weather or fuel price, hence had a KPI to increase the revenue through Fares. We started a s mid-range and attracted maximum customers and shifted to luxury charging huge fare as a KPI of increasing the revenue. We are badly affected till 5th quarter because of this factor and then reduced the pricing. The information we got through the value packs and incident feedback was very helpful in refining our performance and take corrective measures. Not only in terms of finance but also in terms of flight operation and service, the index feedback gave us the measures for improvement. The company was in a tough situation after the shift to luxury airline, where the incident feedback helped us to identify what was going wrong. The below are the some changes we effected from the information we got through the value packs, Increased the number of flights and number of flight routes. Decreased the ticket fares in order to increase the number of passengers. Concentrated on cabin services to increase the quality service to the passengers and reduce complaints. Taken measures and allotted funds on aircraft maintenance to avoid accidents and escape from fine. Got knowledge that the huge loss of the company is due to the purchase of 3 additional flights resulted from mistake in numbering in the software. Came to know that a flight was unused hence sold the flight to avoid maintenance expenses. We felt the importance of passenger service and allotted more fund towards it. Giving due consideration to theory, evaluate how a merger or acquisition might have changed your outcomes and the way you operated during the simulation? What additional implications would there have been for your company? Merger and Acquisition are often used inter-changeable concepts while merger is the combination of two companies in order to form a new company and Acquisition is a companys purchase of another company where there is no formation of new company (Scott C. Whitaker, 2012). Merger and acquisition have a common goal of attaining synergy. There are certain factors that should be taken care while going in for merger or acquisition as it results in cultural risk, business, employees and customer retention risk. These risks may not be applicable if Emirates would have planned the merger or acquisition in the initial stage that is before 4th quarter but if it is after that the above said risks should be taken care of. Hence it is evident that the nature of company to which going to be merged or acquired should be taken into account that it should be similar in business and should be stronger in operation as emirates are operating in a tough situation. There are many advantages for company to go in for a merger or acquisition. We as a emirates airlines can merge or acquire a financially strong airline whereby we become economically strong and can reduce the cost of capital (Donald M. DePamphills, 2009). In emirates during 5th quarter, we had a NIL balance of cash flow after the overdraft loan hence during such situation merging with company with good cash flow will be a potential decision. Also there will be a positive impact on the stock price especially for companies like emirates where we had our stock price in negative numbers. Not only in financial terms, merger and acquisition also helps in terms of operation synergy. For e.g., if we Emirates team go for a merger during our mid-quarter with a company which is technologically strong we would have had a chance for competitive advantage and fast growth platform (Scott C. Whitaker, ). We would have not made a mistake of unsystematic approach in buying a flight during our 6ht quar ter by which we suffers a heavy loss. There are major operating cost involved in terms of Airlines they are fuel, maintenance, interest expenses, lease amount, promotional activities, market research, taxes and so on. These costs would have been spread between two companies after merging. Merger and acquisition are also helpful to use the assets and skills of the other companies merging or acquiring with. We as Emirates team lacked in terms of allocation of expenses and proper maintenance of aircraft. Hence merging with a managerial strong company would have helped us to move in the right path. It helps in improving the operating efficiency with a combined activity of the merging firms thereby can enjoy the market power. This is called market power theory. With this the company can have a control on the pricing and suppliers and also can have customer base. As a team of Emirates Airlines only in the 1st quarter we were able to make a profit. It may be because of the sudden shift to luxury airlines which made us to suffer from continuous losses till 6th quarter. Our stock price also went on negative price. Hence merger or acquisition during the mid-quarter would be the better decision as it would have reduced the cost and share the total cost. We also had a reduction of pricing on 5th quarter which can be avoided when we had merger with our competitor. We lacked in many operation areas like customer satisfaction, aircraft maintenance and proper allocation of expenses, hence merger and acquisition would have been potential at early stage. Appraise how successful your company was in your industry. Were your relative success / failure due primarily to your analysis and diagnosis or the choices and decisions you made? Which models and theory did you consider when participating in the game and how did this help you? Planning, executing and monitoring are the key aspects for a company to be successful. And in industry like Airline where there are ample numbers of risks, it is important that the firm follows a strategic approach. We as a team started to operated Emirates airlines as mid-range where in the first quarter we are able to have a good level of passengers and thereby revenue. We did not have a view on the level of risk in shifting to luxury range all of a sudden in the second quarter and increased the fare at a higher rate. Only during fifth quarter we came to know the importance of price factor and reduced the fare. The team did not understand that shifting to luxury range should be accommodated with high quality service to be competitive. We felt its importance from the incident report at the time when the company is already in loss. To my knowledge the company started off well but faced tough situations and failures and also attained the survival stage where it can reach a decent prof it in the next quarters. We had a systematic approach to some extent and made many innovative measures like online reservation system which is a success to us, but the decision what we made to buy a flight when we were in deficit lead to failure. Also we are not managerial approach as we wrongly numbered and the software bought additional 3 flights which added to a further loss. We had a clear view in allocating resources for aircraft maintenance, but because of the above mistakes we made during the simulation, we were unable to allot adequate resources for maintenance which lead to engine failure and fine from FAA. At the beginning of the simulation we used resource dependency theory (Aldrich, 1977) where we believed the company can be affected to some degree with its external environment. Hence we took measure to influence the environment. Our external environments are customers, public and the airline industry. We thought investing heavily in promotion and advertisement would definitely create competitive advantage and a brand image among the customer where a hike in the fare will become a hidden factor. Hence during the second quarter we allotted $40000 on advertisement and shifted to luxury airlines with fare of 48cents. But only during the subsequent simulation we felt that there is no relation between the promotion and competitive advantage in a highly completive airline industry and understood the importance of cost and service factors. Hence we reduced the price and concentrated on quality and training. We also started concentrating on cabin services and passenger services with the rise of customer complaints which came to our knowledge through incident feedback. We as a team felt the importance of strategic approach during the simulation. During the end of the quarter we were clear about the strategies to be followed and we were sure that our company will make a good profit if it has another two quarters as we could find the changes in stock price with our corrective measures. The simulation gave us a vast experience about the concept of risk management, strategic approach and resource allocation. We also felt the importance of group dynamics in running a successful business.

Clostridium Difficile Infection: Causes and Treatment

Clostridium Difficile Infection: Causes and Treatment Clostridium difficile   Introduction Clostridium difficile generally written as C. difficile is a bacterium (germ). It presents in a small quantity in the gut of many people without harming person. But, when the quantity of C. difficile bacteria increases in the gut, then it can cause infection. The C. difficile bacteria usually do not create infection in healthy people. Though, some  antibiotics can disturb the regular balance of usual bacteria in the gut that shield against C. difficile infection. This infection most commonly affects people whose treatment requires prolonged use of antibiotics. During use of antibiotics, if other harmless bacteria are killed, then this will allows C. difficile to grow in larger numbers than normal circumstances. The bacteria start to produce toxins that cause the symptoms given below. Therefore, if a person is taking antibiotics and He/she has C. difficile bacteria in gut, then bacteria may flourish and can cause an infection. This is a problem normally occur while taking many of the commonly used antibiotics. Spread of Clostridium difficile infection C. difficile bacteria are usually found in whole the environment — in air, soil, water, human and animal faeces. It is also found in food products, such as processed meats. C. difficile infection commonly associated with hospitals where a higher percentage of people carry the bacteria. C. difficile bacteria spread to food, surfaces when infectious people do not clearly wash their hands. The bacteria creates spores that can be persevered in a place for months. If you touch a surface polluted with C. difficile, then you may then unintentionally swallow the bacteria. Symptoms of the disease The symptoms of adisease can range from mild diarrhoea to a severe life-threatening inflammation of the bowel. The symptoms of a Clostridium difficileinfection generally grow when you are taking, or just finished taking an antibiotic. Seldom, symptoms mayappear up to 10 weeks after you finish taking antibiotics. List of symptoms include: Watery diarrhoea (sometimes can be blood-stained) three to four times a day; may be more. Colitis (inflammation of a larger bowel). Loss of appetite abdominal cramping and pain Nausea a high temperature (fever) of above 38 ºC (100.4 ºF) painful abdominal cramps No treatment may be required in mild cases only abandoning the antibiotics or drinking plenty of fluids is required to cure infection. However, cure with specific antibiotics is desirable in more severe cases. Identification of Clostridium difficile Infection Clostridium difficile Infection is identified in a patient in following cases; Anyone who develops diarrhoea who had used antibiotics within the previous two months, and/or When diarrhoea was developed due to stay at hospital, or after few weeks of releasing from hospital. Anyone has abdominal pain, or fever; Anyone has a diagnosis of colonoscopy, pseudo membranes on sigmoidoscopy or histological/pathological diagnosis of CDI; Anyone has a diagnosis of toxic mega colon. Laboratory testing of a sample of stool can be carried out to confirm the diagnosis. The test identifies the toxin material in the stool sample that is produced by C. difficile. An X-ray of abdomen, CT scan, or a Blood tests can be conducted if a patient more severe infection. Treatment of Clostridium difficile infection Clostridium difficile infection treatment depends upon severity of the illness. No treatment is necessary if one has no symptom. However, symptoms are shown various treatment are suggested for mild to severe infection. Mild infection treatment Patients having mild infection can be treated at home. If patient has mild symptoms of aC. difficile infection, infection can be controlled by just withdrawing antibiotics that have caused the problem. This will let the normal harmless bacteria to regrow in your gut. The excess growth of C. difficile should then decrease and symptoms often ease. Actually, many people will stopped the antibiotic anyway, after the completion of antibiotic course. In many cases where the signs are minor, stopping the antibiotics proved sufficient to clear the infection. Modest to severe infection If infection is of severe nature, patient will usually be admitted into hospital, so that patient can be treated and closely look after. If you have symptoms that are more bothersome, such as severediarrhoea or colitis, following treatment is prescribed to cure the infection: 1. Taking an antibiotic In case of severe symptoms such as severe diarrhoea or colitis, patients will be given antibiotics that can damage C. difficile bacteria. In the start, in moderate cases metronidazole is prescribed to cure the infection. But in severe cases vancomycinor fidaxomicin may be used to ease any colitis and stop perforation of colon. Symptoms then usually ease within two to three days, although it can take a week to make a significant recovery. Likely side effects of these antibiotics are stomach pain, feeling or being sick. 2. Fluid replacement In diarrhoea lot of fluid released from body and body becomes dehydrated. So, it is very important that fluid must be replaced in the body to maintain body’s water level. This reduction can easily be eliminated by drinking extra fluids. But, in case of severe, fluids should be given through a drip into veins or by nasogastric tube. 3. Surgery in rare cases Surgery cases are less than 1%. It is required only in life-threatening cases to remove a damaged section of bowel. Severe cases ofC. difficile infection can befatal,especially when they occur in those people who faces severe illness. Prevention C. difficile infection can be spread very easily. Normally, it can be prevented by maintaining good hygiene in healthcare surroundings, such as regularly washing hands and cleaning surfaces using bleach products. When someone is attending the patient having C. difficile infection, he/she can reduce the risk of spreading the infection by washing hands before and after entering the patient room. Soap and water should be preferred over Alcohol gel as in not effective against germs. Preventing the spread of infection into hospital I would implement strict guidelines about maintaining the hygienic environment in the hospital to avoid the spread of C. difficile infection. Possible guidelines would be; If possible, infectious patient should have their own room, washbasin and toilet facilities. Everyone should regularly wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water, particularly after using the toilet or anyone coming from outside to meet the patient. All the hospital staff must wear disposable gloves and aprons and they must wash their hands with water and soap before and after attending patient. Practice will be made of using soap and water should be used as a medium of washing instead of Hand gel because hand gel not kill the spores created by C. difficile. Visitors must also wear disposable gloves and aprons and must wash their hands before entering and leaving the room. Floors, Toilets, surfaces, bedpans, bedding, etc. should be clean washed regularly. Conclusion Clostridium difficile infection is caused by bacteria. It can range from severe to mild. Proper prevention and use of medicine can reduce the infection in very limited time. References Zar, Fred A., et al. A comparison of vancomycin and metronidazole for the treatment of Clostridium difficile–associated diarrhea, stratified by disease severity. Clinical Infectious Diseases 45.3 (2007): 302-307. Wilcox, Mark H. Treatment of Clostridium difficile infection. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 41.suppl 3 (1998): 41-46. Bignardi, G. E. Risk factors for Clostridium difficile infection. Journal of Hospital Infection 40.1 (1998): 1-15. Gerding, Dale N., Carlene A. Muto, and Robert C. Owens. Treatment of Clostridium difficile infection. Clinical Infectious Diseases 46.Supplement 1 (2008): S32-S42. Wilcox, Mark H. Treatment of Clostridium difficile infection. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 41.suppl 3 (1998): 41-46.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Four Myth Theories :: essays research papers

Four Theories of Myth There are four basic theories of myth. Those theories are: the rational myth theory, functional myth theory, structural myth theory, and the phsycological myth theory. The rational myth theory states that myths were created to explain natural events and forces. Functional myths are what you call the kinds of myths that were created as a type of social control. The third myth theory is the structural myth theory. This theory says that myths were patterned after human mind and human nature. The phsycological myth theory is the fourth myth theory which states that myths are based on human emotion. The rational myth theory states that myths were made to better understand natural events and forces that occurred in the everyday lives of people. This theory also explains that the gods and goddesses controlled all of these happenings of nature. Examples of this type of myth are creation myths from different cultures. Creation myths explain how man was created and explain what the gods and goddesses used and what actions they took to create humans. These myths also tell what substances were used (if any) in order for man to exist. The existence of man is a natural event but creation myths give other explanations. The functional myth theory talks about how myths were used to teach morality and social behavior. It states that myths told about what types of things should and shouldn’t be done, and the consequences for those wrong doings. The functional myth theory also states that myths were created for social control and served the function of insuring stability in a society. A story about a tribe who rebelled against the great serpent, Degei, is a good example of a functional myth. This story is about a tribe who learned many skills from their great serpent god, Degei, and then became Degei’s workers and servants. Two chiefs of this tribe were sick of working for him and tried to defeat him; they were too weak for Degei. Instead of winning their freedom, they were killed in a great flood caused by Degei. This myth is trying to say that you should not be lazy because if you are, then you will regret it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Structural myths are said to be myths based on human emotion. These types of myths show the two sides of the human mind; the good side and the bad side. They show the divided self and the duality of human nature.

Friday, July 19, 2019

A Rose for Emily By William Faulkner :: Free Essay Writer

In my opinion, William Faulkner displays a perfect example of the old saying, â€Å"what goes around comes around† in the short story A Rose For Emily. The main character, Miss Emily Grierson, doesn’t know why the public eye looks at her the way it does, she also doesn’t know why people act so differently around her. I believe it is strongly because of her father and the way he treated her while she was growing up. The story only spoke briefly about the father, but what they did say made him out to be somewhat controlling person. The story mentioned that there was a picture in the house that showed Miss Emily and her father standing in the doorway. Miss Emily was placed in the background and her father was in the front with a whip. To me, that seems very intimidating and controlling. In some situations people use a whip to control or tame a situation or even person. Another instance that seemed to be controlling on the part of the father was that no one was ever good enough for his daughter, Miss Emily. Mr. Grierson was always running off the young men that would come around the house to see Miss Emily. Miss Emily’s father never even tried to see if any of the young men were of any interest to Miss Emily. The story also states that the Griersons thought that they were better than the other people in the town. The fact that Miss Emily’s father was a controlling man was one of the main, but not only, motivations for the way that Miss Emily acted and reacted to the public. Another characteristic of Miss Emily was that she was not a very sociable person with the community except for that six or seven years when she taught china painting. The reason that I feel Miss Emily acted in this way was again due to the controlling nature of her father and the fact that she was raised to think that she was better than the other people around her. With Miss Emily’s father being in control of the things in her life she did not know how to react to or communicate with other people in a normal manner. The next action that I would like to address that Miss Emily acted upon was to choose a man that no one agreed with.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Essay --

ResearchTopic: Increased incidence of pressure ulcer cases. Researchable problem: What are the reasons for increases rate of pressure ulcers in WMW that is unknown? Problem statement: What are the effects of increased pressure ulcers on patient over the disease they were admitted for? Purpose: To determine the impact of increased rate of pressure ulcers to patients in Women’s Medical Ward in Labasa hospital. A Four- step Approach: What factors influence pressure ulcer patients that will enhance on mobility and self-care? What is the relationship between pressure ulcer and mobility? Will self-care and mobility decrease the number and severity of pressure ulcer patients? How can emotional support be used to mediate the suffering of patients with pressure ulcers? A Two-stage Approach: Who is the patient’s most suffering from pressure ulcers? What causes the risk having pressure ulcers? When do patients are prone to have and where do most pressure ulcers occur? Why do patients suffer from increased pressure ulcers? Refined Problem Statement: What are the effects and risk factors to have increased rate of pressure ulcers on patient ? Hypothesis: Increased incidence of pressure ulcers among immobilizing patient than mobilizing patient in Women’s Medical Ward. Pressure ulcer is defined as damage to the underlying tissue due to lesion caused by unrelieved pressure. In this there are reasons for pressure ulcers occurring hence the risk factors the adverse effects to pressure ulcer. Literature review 1 Causes of pressure ulcers Citation: Workman, B. A., & Bennett, C. L. (2003). Key nursing skills. UK: Bell and Bain ltd, 85-87 In this study the researcher examined about the third problem arising in a patient that was studied upo..., decubitus ulcers with systemic. To relief of pressure and reduce the susceptibility of pressure ulcers due to circulatory interference with the arterial blood supply or venous return. By changing the patient’s position frequently, as often as every 2 hours.To reduce constant pressure on a body part. To maintain the skin integrity dressings are to be changed frequently to prevent damage to the skin. As it is discussed due to immobility of patient is one of the risk factor of this complication together with poor nutrition status hence protecting the skin from damage and managing the incontinence as well as proper diet and nutrition is discussed as an early intervention as one of the preventative measures rather than suffering the consequences .In this due to immobility is accentuated as one of the most paramount factors relating to development of pressure sores.

Audi Swot

Audi began Germany in 1932 , it was formed the merger of four different cartaker, In 1969 Volkswagen acquired the business in 2008 Audi delivered more than one million cars to customer. Today the business goes from strength to strength and manufacturers in many parts of the world including India. This is a manufacturer of very high quality cars tend to be highly engineered robust and priced at a premium level. STRENGTH Audi's reputation is undoubtedly based upon a very strong brand. In fact the four rings of Audi is one of the most identifiable logos and images globally.The brand is very innovative and the range is continually developed and extended. Being a German technology product, obviously Audi has a reputation for operations management and its production approaches. The company manufactures in excess of 1 million autos a year. Interestingly, more than 1000 of these cars are Lamborghinis, Audi's premium supercar brand. The company manufactures cars in the German cities of Ingols tadt and Neckarsulm. Audi is also renowned for technology, creativity and innovation.The business invests almost $3 billion every year in research and development for its new products. Historically, the company's innovations are quite impressive – for example, Audi Quattro’s four-wheel-drive technology. New innovations include light emitting diode headlights (you may have seen them on the highway) and also MultiMedia Interface (MMI), which is a mash up of entertainment technology, navigation technology, and communication technology – including telephones as well as other innovations, which also improve passenger safety. WeaknessesOne interesting problem for the business is that whilst it is a very large vehicle manufacturer, it doesn't operate on the same huge scale as some of its close competitors, including Ford and Toyota. A simple revenue analysis based upon units produced shows that its competitors can make equivalent vehicles more cheaply, simply because o f economies of scale. That is to say relative unit are relatively higher. Audi's are German and its brand is associated with its national identity. Whilst in some ways this is a strength, others might view this as a particular issue.The brand is very dependent upon its European markets. It is relatively small in North America. Some of the sustained sales in Europe have to be due to environmental initiatives and incentives offered by European governments, and this won’t go on forever. The European market might also go into decline, simply because of the debt being experienced by large markets such as the Greece, Ireland and Spain. In common with some of its competitors including Toyota , Audi has also had to endure the embarrassment of product recalls.Especially for a brand which encompasses security and safety, this could potentially be damaging. In North America, there have been problems with gearboxes (transmissions) . Similar problems occurred in the South Korean market. O pportunities Without a doubt the new emerging markets of China and India are huge opportunities for Audi. New car sales are growing in both countries as consumers are getting wealthier and more discerning, they need status brands such as Audi. By 2015, the Indian car market is going to be huge, with estimated sales reaching more than $40 billion.In China figures indicate that sales will be in excess of 250,000 million vehicles in a similar period of time. Audi with its innovative history is obviously investing heavily in vehicles which are low emission and will be targeted at the greener car market. Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) will become very popular in the large countries of the United States and China, whereby petrol stations will become slowly replaced by plug-in stations. So obviously the growth of environmentalism and the nature of global warming mean that consumers are calling for low emissions alternatives.Hopefully in the coming years, the global car market will begin t o recover and car sales and production will increase. There are a number of drivers. Government programs which offer incentives to consumers to ditch their old gas guzzler to replace it with a modern hybrid car for example, mean an increase in sales. The problems associated with raising credit in Western nations will hopefully disappear and consumers will begin to take loans to finance their vehicle again. Audi has become a leaner business by increasing its profit per vehicle and reducing its inventory.Threats Like any business which operates in a global economic environment, Audi has to deal with local business environments. For example, regulations by local governments in relation to emissions or safety, or even strategic alliances with local companies in order to enter a market, such as China. All please add to the bottom line and reduce margins potentially. Trading in a global market means that the business is essentially exposed to commodity price fluctuations. Steel prices hav e been on a helter-skelter.Commodity prices vary, and it makes it difficult for Audi to keep costs steady. In the car industry, generally, the largest threat relates to the nature and level of competition in what is a mature industry. There are a number of similar brands including BMW and Mercedes. Car production globally tends to move where the high dependence on labour cannot impact its cost base, so over years to come more manufacturing will move to India and China, where costs of labour are lower. The German worker is comparatively expensive.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Evaluate the appropriateness of business information Essay

In this delegate I go forth be evaluating the rightness of chore data utilised to snitch a strategic closing. In this reference of the task I will be focusing on Tesco business. I will be talking about the size adequateness in strategic decisions within Tesco and how they use the decisions for their business. besides I will be evaluating how the strategic decisions affect the financial execution of Tesco. Tesco Price Promise WebsiteTesco uses the price tick to show guests that they be the cheapest supermarket out of the terce leading supermarkets, Sainsburys, Morrisons and Asda. This is an important strategy for Tesco as they are able to encourage customers as rise up as beingness competitors this leads to Tesco being able to fasten to a greater extent hit studyd to Asda, Morrisons and Sainsburys. Tesco has given(p) this easiness to people so that they are able to see where they throw scram love to saved money and what they mother got cheaper.Tesco has i n the main got the price checker facility for themselves and this would be so that they can see what they select to do to be able to train ahead ground more than customers as they are able to see what there consumers handle. Tescos nominate entropy which is valid and up to mesh so that it is easy and fast for the customers to study the prices of every product they misdirect. This strategy is use to create trade plans which then leads on to the strategic decisions make for Tesco. This is done by using the information as fictional character of their marketing plan which will gain customers and maintain their business. Tesco Price Promise recogniseTesco doesnt only provide their customers with the facility to go home and check on the internet how much they are frugality but they likewise give their customer the opportunity to check how much they dupe saved compared to Asda, Morrisons and Sainsburys. This is done when they buy 10 or more items, they would automatically compare your final prices with the other supermarkets and give you badgerinal recognise of which one contains your main obtain list and prices and one says you have (something union) off your next shop and this something touchstone is the amount of money you have saved in your shopping that same day.You are given two options at the bottom of the receipt which is where you can go to the customer function desk and get a voucher for theamount you have shopped of using the code go onto online. Most importantly Tesco is giving the fall out for you to do everything while shopping this is an return towards the customers as they would not want to go home and go through a long process whereas they can do it fast and much more easily. This ontogeny simoleonss the profit within the business as Tesco is providing you with products for cheaper and helping you. This also becomes more competitive against a bear upon as they have a way to increment customers and steal the customers th ere rivals have. This concludes to a positivistic financial performance as Tesco are gaining customers and earning a profit compared to other supermarkets. Tesco hostel CardTesco has a club card facility, and this is a card which can be kept as a primal ring as well as a card in your wallet. This allows you to gain points every time you shop at Tesco. This is also beneficial to Tesco as well because they are able to see what you have bought in your shopping basket and tally to that they send you vouchers on your most bought items, allowing you to buy more. Also they give you vouchers so that you come back to Tesco as your shopping would be cheaper than it normally is, this attracts customers as they are saving(a) money on their shop and this is what they want. This information Tesco is gaining helps them as they are able to fall upon more customers so this increase the rival competitors and they are also gaining an increase in profit and customers due to the fact more people a re shopping at Tesco and using the services they provide, this also instrument Tesco are able to develop level off more. Tescos financial accounts from 2011-2012The human body preceding(prenominal) shows the financial highlights of Tesco within the world and the image on the right shows the financial highlights of Tesco in the UK. These figures reflect on the strategic decision as it would help Tesco to make approaching budgets and it also shows whether the services and facilities they have set up actually help make a profit for the business. Also it helps make long term decision like where they should expand next and how they would meet their aims. Also the price checker would has contributed to this as it has change magnitude the amount of customers that shop at Tesco also it has shown people awareness of the Tesco business itself and this has change magnitude the sales of Tesco which has been able to increase the sales revenue.ConclusionOverall, I believe that Tesco has legion(predicate) strategies and these strategies help Tesco to make further decisions on what they will be doing as they would be aiming to increase profit, and become the conk out rivals. Tescos financial performance is getting better due to the better strategic decisions made within the company to increase profit and gain customers. Tesco uses the clever tools for them to be an rough-and-ready company so that financial performances increase, which allows marketing plans to be made. This allows Tesco to create their strategic decisions, proving the information is appropriate.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

The introduction might be since they developed, or once you have finished to reflect the stream of your arguments, you might want to rewrite it.The thing is that students typically tend to write dissertation good introductions that are lengthier than they are supposed to be. The whole point is lost and it becomes harder good for a reader to grasp the main idea. Writing a very detailed introduction is another common problem. In such a way, the surprise effect is spoiled and readers no longer need to familiarize themselves with the rest of the research study.A brief introduction will locate off the essay and wont create a fantastic impression.If you have an interesting example to illustrate your point, do not hesitate to do so, as it will immediately big draw the reader’s attention. Then, proceed to describe the topic of your dissertation. Define the subject you want to research. Try to choose something unusual or under-researched.

Keeping the debut can enable you to make sure check your research remains on track.Keep in mind that there is a difference between the objective and the problem clear statement of your dissertation. Use research questions to dwell upon the problem statement. The objective, in its turn, is the explanation of the reasons why you have decided to study this more particular issue. Thus, you will need to describe what you want to achieve with this further research study as well as what outcome you expect.Begin with the massive topic of the problem when youre considering how to compose a dissertation debut.Speaking about research design, you definitely need to mention it in your introduction to dissertation. Provide a brief summary of it. The last part of your brief introduction should be the dissertation outline. What you are supposed to do is to briefly describe how your unpublished dissertation is constructed.

It has to be intriguing so as to arouse interest, and stick out.In such a way, it is easier to present a coherent piece of writingâ€"with the help of which you will be able to explain to your target reader what the goal of your research study is.Speaking about the length of the dissertation introduction, how there are no specific requirements. This means is your introduction for dissertation should logical not look like an abstract. However, it does not also mean you are supposed to submit a huge document.Studies dont have hypotheses.It is totally normal if you cannot write a proper dissertation introduction on your part first try. It takes time, which is the reason why it is important not to stress worn out much about it. Take a break. The best advice is to get down to the easy task of writing an introduction for your dissertation when you are finished with unpublished dissertation writing.

In an abstract you must outline what your study is about in character.Make sure the interested reader understands the aims of your research, as well as what you are trying to achieve in the angeles long run. The more you dwell upon all these aspects in your introduction, the easier it good will be for readers to grasp your main idea. Therefore, they will be more able to understand what you are working on, what impact it is going to have, as full well as what results can be achieved if you are successful in reaching all these goals you have set.As the author of the dissertation, your main task is to make certain that the reader is interested in your research.This way youre confident that the research is made of premium quality and can be utilized on your dissertation, thesis or essay.Begin with outlining the main argument right away. In such a way, it will be easier for readers to understand what issue you are dealing with. Then, dwell upon the methodology you have used. Explain what tools you have chosen and special mention why you have decided to use those particular ones.

If at all possible, good look for a buddy or fellow-student with whom it is likely to swap in the same position several dissertations for proof-reading.Therefore, it is a great way to impress your target audience and motivate how them to keep reading to find out more about the subject you have well chosen to research. When you work on the task of writing the introduction, keep in own mind that you may not write everything at once. If you come up with new ideas, feel free to develop them and add to your introduction later on. Make sure deeds that the finished version remains coherent.The simplest way to construct a dissertation is inside-out.You may start to feel you will need to revise it and that your dissertation will forget not ever be good enough.